So I recently pinched a nerve in my back, I have done it a couple of times over the years. Most of the time its a day or two of rest and a bit of wincing and old man grunts combined with a few panafen to get moving in the mornings, then it just clears up. I don't know what I did this time round but it left me flat on my back in relentless pain. I have had gout from too many prawns and mudcrabs or tomato based sauces, not so much beer as I mostly switched to ciders here and there a decade ago. I always said that gout must be the worst pain apart from getting set on fire, I even got shot in the leg with a .22lr when I was a young fella and at best it felt like a paper wasp got me at the time. This pinched nerve, however, set the new bar for me.
So as it happens my gypsy minded wife decided it was time to up and move before winter hits home and we had got a bit tired of the place we were renting, she found a nice place to not far from where we were, nice place big backyard, plenty of storage and most importantly wood fire, so her mind was set.
I stated my case that she had not picked a very good time for the move but she insisted everything would be fine, she had it covered, she had her mum, dad and her stepdad all on the roster for the move. I popped my painkillers, watched my Netflix and helped out best I could here and there. I felt bad that there was not much I could do but everyone said it was ok go rest my back.
The move went ok, it was a bit rushed and it didn't do my back any favours, but we got it done. About a week after the move my back finally let up and I was able to get around ok. I decided to put all my prospecting gear together sort things out and picked a spot under the house in our basement like storage room.
I packed my highbankers, river sluices and pumps away and put up some hooks and shelves for all the sundries. Was stacking some buckets away when it suddenly hit me......the empty white bakery buckets I was packing away were labeled in marker pen. Dates, GPS coords, hours and approx number of buckets run.
They were my cons buckets I had put away to run through the blue bowl over winter
I scrambled and ran to my wife for her to shrug as to have no idea what happend and then a few seconds later tell me oh yeah, her stepdad tipped the gravel out of those buckets into the front garden and then hosed it all into the woodchip, no use carting heavy buckets of "worthless" gravel to our new house!
My heart sank :brokenh:
So as it happens my gypsy minded wife decided it was time to up and move before winter hits home and we had got a bit tired of the place we were renting, she found a nice place to not far from where we were, nice place big backyard, plenty of storage and most importantly wood fire, so her mind was set.
I stated my case that she had not picked a very good time for the move but she insisted everything would be fine, she had it covered, she had her mum, dad and her stepdad all on the roster for the move. I popped my painkillers, watched my Netflix and helped out best I could here and there. I felt bad that there was not much I could do but everyone said it was ok go rest my back.
The move went ok, it was a bit rushed and it didn't do my back any favours, but we got it done. About a week after the move my back finally let up and I was able to get around ok. I decided to put all my prospecting gear together sort things out and picked a spot under the house in our basement like storage room.
I packed my highbankers, river sluices and pumps away and put up some hooks and shelves for all the sundries. Was stacking some buckets away when it suddenly hit me......the empty white bakery buckets I was packing away were labeled in marker pen. Dates, GPS coords, hours and approx number of buckets run.
They were my cons buckets I had put away to run through the blue bowl over winter
I scrambled and ran to my wife for her to shrug as to have no idea what happend and then a few seconds later tell me oh yeah, her stepdad tipped the gravel out of those buckets into the front garden and then hosed it all into the woodchip, no use carting heavy buckets of "worthless" gravel to our new house!
My heart sank :brokenh: