Have you ever found a gold spill ?

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 24, 2014
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I was out looking around an old site where a fellow had a trommel and sluice set up about 30 years ago. I heard he was pretty sloppy and a bit "fly by night" so I had a pan and a bucket of water and was sampling some dirt. First pan got a speck, second pan about a quarter gram . dug around and took a few buckets of soil home and ended up with 4 grams. Went back for a few more buckets and still getting gold.

Has anyone else had any luck looking around old processing sites ? Is this common ? Easy gold always makes me smile!
the only spill of gold i have ever got is on a beach and was over $40 in $1 & $2 on a 30x30cm patch
$40 is a heck of a nice find , they must have just left the pokies ! lol A few months back I picked up 7.5 grams of small nuggets in a square foot outside an old mine then shovelled up the dirt and panned another 3 grams out of it. Don't know if it was dropped or missed but had me doing the happy dance. lol ! There must be heaps of stuff out there to be found.

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