Happy Australia Day

Prospecting Australia

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If flag change was so important to people why do we mainly only hear about it on Australia day and not throughout the year more also? Same with changing the date of Australia Day? We mainly only hear about it in the beginning of January. Then couple weeks after Australia Day it will go quiet again.

I'm just glad I bought a few of the Aussie Flags for my stock.
Martin said:
If flag change was so important to people why do we mainly only hear about it on Australia day and not throughout the year more also? Same with changing the date of Australia Day? We mainly only hear about it in the beginning of January. Then couple weeks after Australia Day it will go quiet again.

I'm just glad I bought a few of the Aussie Flags for my stock.
The media have a story cycle. You will see similar stories at similar times every year. Alot of rehashing going on. Few Australian organisations are generating new content these days.
Well, call me a conspiracy theorist, but it seems to me that the media are hell bent on dividing this country by latching onto controversial topics and bleeding them for as long as they can. They really are being very destructive. They influence opinion to the point where our politicians concentrate on these topics for the sake of option polls, instead of governing the country. They are being played and distracted to the point where they are ineffective in their jobs.
Let's look at media divisions in just the last 12 months....SSM, Son Dale...royal commission called on the basis of a heavily edited and one sided 4 Corners program, where the media claimed torture of children, result of royal commission.... No charges recommended! Immigration linked to crime...highlighted in Victoria, now Australia day date change, and the flag change will be next.
There should, IMO opinion, be a royal commission into the board cast of NEWs and Current affairs programs, and news paper reporting, with penalties , big ones, for the broadcast of deceptive or manipulative broadcasts. Same with media links to behaviour that is violent and covertly encouraged by media outlets, all for the sake of ratings and profit.

Rant over.
The media certainly profit out of division and promote it. The legal system is similar in a way. No politician in a democracy would have the guts to take them both on. It would be a quick way to end your career.
They (politicians) regulate what we can say and do.
Its ridiculous, they need to regulate what the media can do. If the media is inciting bad behaviour, which IMO they are, they need to be held accountable.
Social media is creating more poison in society but so is print and online media.

Social media has click bait , fake headlines to generate revenue hits every time you click on it.

Social media also has "comment bots" which are fake profiles operated by computer that put controversial / offensive comments on twitter and others to generate activity -
again its click bait.

people who claim to be "social media influencers" engage in extortive behaviour looking for freebies in return for promoting other products or businesses on their social media platforms whether it be youtube , facebook , twitter etc , however many of them use software to create the illusion that they have huge numbers of followers when the true number might be 0.01 % of the claimed figure.
In simple terms they are fraudsters.

Online news sites create fake stories or fake headlines to get you clicking through their advertiser pages .

If you watch the news on ABC then flick over to channel 7 , 9 or 10 you can sometimes see the difference , the ABC story might be " 6 people injured" in an incident while the commercial networks will be dozens dead or missing.

how dramatic ?

The bullsheett is getting deeper folks.
To me Australia Day 26th Jan represents people celebrating being in one of the best countries on Earth, if not the best.
Celebrating all the good things Australia has to offer regardless of your heritage, it's the land of opportunity for so many, a place for people to make a new start and forget the atrocities from where they came. It's a place to be thankful for it's global location and isolation.

This whole division thing is only news to me the past few years (I'm 48yo) and it seems to me that it's certain minority parties with an agenda that the media has driven to the forefront. It's not only an aboriginal issue (for some) but seems more and more people from other minority parties are jumping on board to feed their agenda's as well.

Changing the date won't achieve a single thing apart from creating more division, racism and hatred of which there is far too much.
We say we want to stamp out racism yet we continually set aside specific days or events to highlight the fact we're different, indigenous round in the AFL for example, why? That say's you are different.
The only way to stamp out racism is to accept we all bleed red regardless of where we came from and lets not treat each other as different.
There's good and bad in every race/culture.

I take people as I find them, I either get along with someone or I don't, has nothing to do with the colour of their skin or language they speak, pretty simple!

All this change the date, change the flag etc etc etc just makes me see red because it's just creates further division and racism, lets just accept the past, learn from the past and move towards a better more friendly future, together :Y:

I saw a post on Facebook a couple of days ago and I normally don't like sayings that stir the pot as it only adds to the already heated debates and resentment but this one summed up a pretty good general analysis of much of what's going on lately, not just the date issue but more general of every day Australia and it's multicultural people.

"Isn't it weird that in Australia our flag and culture offend so many people, yet our benefits don't.........."

Love ya's all :)
spent 3 years posted to FNQ and in the time i was PROUD to have worked with the locals from Bamaga and places like that
some of the best soldiers i have had the pleasure to work with
change Australia or not call me a wet blanket but to me its just another day
HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY to everyone. I hope you have a great day, whatever you are doing. Be safe.
