Upside, thank you for your sentiments, sincerely!
As an old bloke, and as you grow older, you also will see things differently in my opinion, only my opinion.
For me , Australian Day, now means absolutely nothing. Apart from eating lamb, which I eat every week anyway, mainly on Sunday Roast, on a Tuesday, I dont see the controversy. Phillip sails into Botany Bay, sets up a colony blah blah blah. So what! Columbus takes on America. What would have happened to Our First Nations People if Japan had been the First Explorers to land in Botany Bay? From history, they would no longer exist!
Australian Day, is about celebrating what we have NOW not what happened in the two hundred years past, good or bad, black or white!
However, you can say a Thousand Sorrys, cry a Thousand Tears, the hurt will never heal. Trust me, when you and I are a hundred years gone this debate will still be raging fire and brimstone.
Never, ever, will black and white be brindle.
Happy Australia Day