Happy Australia Day

Prospecting Australia

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Historically the coming of the Briitish is a significant day and should be remebered, how you remember that is a personal choice. If you are unhappy about history its too bad really because you cant change it so its futile being butthurt over it. The future ? That can be changed. Australia could be better but it could be a whole lot worse too.
There have been opinions from both sides of the and I'm glad it has been civil so far, it is an issue that many feel passionate about. I'll leave the thread open at the moment but first hint of a fight I will close it, maybe another mod will close it anyway..... We'll see.

It is a contentious issue with no easy outcome.

Regardless of the long term outcome we all have to try and get along in this country and should all show respect to each other whether indiginous or not.
Great day, caught up with he oldies, Home for a cold meat collation for lunch. Watching the aussie's give the poms a lesson at cricket and a bbq for tea. :)
aussiefarmer said:
I am shocked , amazed and proud of how well this thread has gone :Y: i expected it to erupt and be locked down on day one but we have all contributed very well and i even learnt a few things aswell as getting a good feel of how other people are seeing this matter.

I maintain an attitude that I have a lot to learn and keep an open mind so knowledge can come.

The nutrition that knowledge is comes from giving freedom to people to express their feelings , fears and dreams.

Not only do I win by hearing their views , but they also win by practicing expression .

when they are free to express they also hear their own voice which supports continued expansion of their mind which feeds and heals the spirit within.
Mackka said:
Prawns, Moreton Bay bugs and Sandcrabs washed down with a bottle of 2012 Yellowtail Shiraz. Just a normal day really.
Mackka ;)

Hey Mackka!
Sounds awesome mate, but I think you have forgotten something....cough....cough... photo's.....cough.... ahem... ;) ]:D
Best Workers We have ever had... :Y: It was a pleasure watching those Men and their Families Grow... O:)

We even employed a fellow, fresh from Adelaide. For a week, till He got arrested for a Murder in SA.. :eek: :rolleyes: ]:D ]:D those were the good ol days.. :8

Just home from a spit put on by a neighbour had few ales now im off to the other neighbours for a few more ales :Y: ripper of a day.
Yeah ........................ ripper ....................... just finished a new Paj build for Fraser adventures :Y: ................ just the job for a stinking hot day :rolleyes:
As for lunch ? Haven't had any as yet :( But reckon I should have gone to MaKKas :Y: That's Makkas for seafood not Muckdonalds :rolleyes: