Gunter from Germany visiting NT

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 22, 2025
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Hello Australia fansTogether with a friend we are planning to drive from Darwin to Alice Springs at the beginning of August.We have already decided on a four-wheel drive camper.We would like to do some gold mining on the wayDoes anyone have a tip for sensible and useful stops for gold mining?We have also considered supporting a professional gold miner.Perhaps you know someone who needs help for 2-3 days.As we are beginners, we would certainly learn a lot.Thank you very much for your supportGunter
Hello everyone,
Thank you very much for the tips.

We have not yet found out how to get the addresses of the pastoral lease owners in order to prospect there.
As permission from the owners is required and this must be approved up to 14 days before entering.

So many greetings from cold Germany
Hello everyone,
Thank you very much for the tips.

We have not yet found out how to get the addresses of the pastoral lease owners in order to prospect there.
As permission from the owners is required and this must be approved up to 14 days before entering.

So many greetings from cold Germany
There is a website called strike, I will send a link.
If you are savvy, you will be able to navigate the layers. It's not very user friendly, but will show you gold occurances, mines, and leases. To find out the land owners, you need to select " cadestre" on the layers.
Also there is a phone app called trilobite, this is more useful, again will take some time navigating it for a new user.
The NT is very challenging, good luck!
Btw, strike is NOT phone friendly, you will need a laptop.
A trip to top end prospecting shop at Coolalinga would help you. Mick is the owner, and might give you some help.

Northern Territory Government

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