GPZ7000 release, questions and information

Prospecting Australia

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10.5k, no way, There has to be a point where common sense has to Kick In and the fact that greed takes over to find An 8oz Nugget just to break even, and the chance of that are slim since the 4500s - 5000s have reduced the possibilities of that happening, We all know that there is more small gold out there than multi ozt nuggets, So that tells me that more than, 80% of us would be better off buying machines like the SDC and what ever other machines that can find small gold,

I Vote Keep ya GPX's For one you won't lose money when you sell it and two you will Only have to find the cash for the SDC

GPX5000 =$7000 sell for around $4500 loss = $2500
GPZ7000 =$10,500 plus the Loss on selling the GPX5000 = $13,000, And everyday it sits at home and every time you take it out and find nothing is going to Eat you Up Inside let alone the arguments it will cause with the missus,
Not to mention all your GPX Coils going to waste and the money you paid for them and the Loss on them when you sell them, If you own 6 or a dozen coils you could loose up to another $2000. That turns into $15,000

The GPX5000 owe's you a lot less, So by Buying the SDC you Save $9001.00 and you have a PI for every where, and a choice of coils for the GPX,

I know people are going to Say WHAT IF, But,,,, WHAT IF YA DON'T ???

The other thing to consider is the GPZ is crammed into the body of a CTX and that all ready exists so there is no major out Lay by Minelab there so its just a matter of circuits and software, So if anything it should cost less more like $5 to 6000 would be more like it and don't forget being stuck with another machine with a fixed Coil until a few years have gone by till the Coil manufacturers have Caught Up.

Agree but i also look at it in a different way' if you have a 5000' You have found gold and paid for that machine the up grade is a no brainer at any cost... If your 5000 has only found you a few tid bits and you wipe the dust off it when you go to use it keep it! Without upgrading.
Zuke_Lynzy said:
Agree but i also look at it in a different way' if you have a 5000' You have found gold and paid for that machine the up grade is a no brainer at any cost... If your 5000 has only found you a few tid bits and you wipe the dust off it when you go to use it keep it! Without upgrading.

Absolutely, That's why I said 80% because there are a good few members that fit into that other 20% who do count there seasons Haul in KG's not Grams,

I must admit this is a real Tough choice to make for anyone in that 80% bracket and I do not envy them at all, I would hate to be in that position where I had to make this choice, and the only way I could do it was if I had enough gold to cash in, other wise I would just keep looking at the Pictures of it and Keep Dreaming,

I'm lucky that I don't have a 5000 I need to sell to get the GPZ. I was holding out till the 'next' top of the line PI came out. Yes coils on the ground find gold, but I've been working overseas and wouldn't have got much use till now anyway.
The probable release of the GPZ (this month sometime) and my lul in work was actually perfectly timed :p 3 months of detecting then back to London for summer.

10K I'm okay with. 10.5K, not so much... If it comes to that I think I'll just get an SDC or a CTX, a new highbanker and have plenty of extra cash to go somewhere to use the SDC or CTX.
You can always hire the new machine out.

Gold will always be found. The first important aspect is research, then you need to have the right settings using the right coil
then you need to walk over it. When you think about it there is a bit involved when Gold Prospecting rather than stopping
some place and you start detecting and the gold starts to pop out.

This new machine will benefit anyone spending 5 days or more out on the Goldfields where you can maximise your finds
potential. The added bonus is if you know of areas that had large gold finds by either your self or a close friend it is time
to hammer those spots again.

The other thing you can do if you have $10k to spend on this great hobby is spending a portion of it in a Geology course
if one can be found and the rest on a used 4500 or 5000.

I have not done a course in geology but was fortunate to detect with a friend who had spent some time with one who
shared his knowledge. Once you learn up on Geology and how to read the ground you wil not look at the ground the same way.
Retirement Stone said:
Ridge Runner,

Great rational post mate.

Marketing is directly aimed at emotional purchases which Minelab are relying on for this new detector.


RS I enjoy reading your replies.

Lets say though if you own a reputable brand that is very successful and the product has no direct competition
then in my opinion you can charge what you want for it.

Lets say a competitor introduces an awesome gold prospecting detector and it sells for $8000 then the competition
releases one for $3500 that is 80% as capable and people start buying it who is going to give in and who will this effect?

Is the 20% difference worth paying $4500 for?

It always comes down to the brands reputation and competition that controls price. This is my view anyway.

Good news though more new Gold PI's are to hit the market. This is going by rumours that
new detectors might be introduced by Whites, Fisher and another company.

The talk on the whites is that its going to be a PI and VLf Hybrid. They already have a Patent for it.

Steve talks more about it on his website.

Who knows though...

Interesting times ahead.
Retirement Stone said:
Ridge Runner,

Great rational post mate.

Marketing is directly aimed at emotional purchases which Minelab are relying on for this new detector.


Yes I agree, If it was sold at the present cost of the GPX and the GPX was sold lower, I think that Minelab Could Triple Their Sales within the First year of Production because everyone would love to own one and if it can do what they claim then Once the Word got out that would create a massive boom in sales beyond what their predictions Are, I hope Minelab read this and consider these possibilities because it would Bring them not only returning customers but New Customers also. and that in it's self will Boost profits,

Nothing changed my mind , the 9/10k was an estimate 10.5k+ is the real price due to the $AU dollar being so low, all dealer know that now as well
There is still a little more that ML havent said about the machine yet , sit back and wait to find out

taylors3030 said:
Hi Ridge Runner

A great post earlier in the piece, raises some really rational down to earth thoughts was great to read


Thanks Taylors3030, I have faced this same sort of situation before so I thought I would share what seemed to be missing from this Topic, And if the price does end up around 10.5k that machine is costing a person $201.92c per week in the first year just to sit there waiting to be used, and if you only get away 4 weeks of the year that is costing a person $2625.00 per week to use it,

If A Person already owns A GP-X Machine then they should work out how much gold they have found in the past year and if it is equal to the cost of the GPZ then I say Go for it but if A Persons Haul is half that then maybe they should go for it also, But Anyone else really needs to think about it before they try to justify reasons why they should Have One, Because the backlash for that alone is not worth Grief,

Sorry boys, its a hobby to me!! I lost 2k on the boat I just sold to pay for it and all the costs to maintain it!!
Marty said:
Nothing changed my mind , the 9/10k was an estimate 10.5k+ is the real price due to the $AU dollar being so low, all dealer know that now as well
There is still a little more that ML havent said about the machine yet , sit back and wait to find out


I don't see why the Aussie Dollar should have an effect when selling their own products in their own country, If anything it should be cheaper to Aussie's than in the U.S. or the EU. when you consider they don't have to pay import Duty and Overseas Shipping etc, It's an Aussie Company Selling to Aussie People,

So that brings the topic to a Very Grey Area which is (price Fixing), I agree it is not a nice subject But what else is it called, But More important WHY when it was the Aussie Prospectors who put Minelab on the Map Do they have to pay the US Premium equivalent To buy it, Something is Seriously Wrong with That,

Not to mention the fact of Lobbying Being done to increase the Import Duties on Imported Detectors to deter people from buying products from over seas, Where is the Fair Trade Guidelines or Equal opportunities in any of this,

Amazing that no one wants to wait for the official release
It is what it is ML are chasing the bigger market and AU isn't it
Despite the GFC and the US$ we in OZ are still paying for it for some time to come

Marty said:
Amazing that no one wants to wait for the official release
It is what it is ML are chasing the bigger market and AU isn't it
Despite the GFC and the US$ we in OZ are still paying for it for some time to come


Yes Marty, I wish these things could more Biased towards Home as being Aussie's we are Proud of Our Countries Achievements,

Anyway It's Not Much if you say it fast enough or say it under your breath when the missus asks,

For the People who do buy them, I hope it is the Answer to their dreams and I cant wait to see some of them big Nuggets Gracing our Pages, So Good luck to you all,

I like how companies say "oh we are a global company", like sooo many do and then they have special prices for each region where their products are sold. It's got nothing to do with "market size" these days and everything to do with extracting every last cent they can from each region to make shareholders happy.

Software and music companies are the worst offenders, sometimes charging double for the same product delivered digitally.
Heatho said:
I like how companies say "oh we are a global company", like sooo many do and then they have special prices for each region where their products are sold. It's got nothing to do with "market size" these days and everything to do with extracting every last cent they can from each region to make shareholders happy.

Software and music companies are the worst offenders, sometimes charging double for the same product delivered digitally.

AMEN, let the share holders get out there and dig, without us buying these things they would all be jumping off the roof tops.
Remember we in Aust are a very minor share of their market.
This is no "hobby" machine and will be priced accordingly.
For that I am grateful [in a way],
if every man and his dog could afford one the GT would be crowded with weekend warriors.
selfish maybe, but that is the way it is.
Like any investment, Money makes money.
Redfin said:
Remember we in Aust are a very minor share of their market.
This is no "hobby" machine and will be priced accordingly.
For that I am grateful [in a way],
if every man and his dog could afford one the GT would be crowded with weekend warriors.
selfish maybe, but that is the way it is.
Like any investment, Money makes money.

I'm hearing you redfin and it is exciting especially for those that live near the gold fields.

My Business though needs to expand. So My $11k investment will be going towards on a 12mx6m colourbond shed
which includes cement and maybe the basic electrical work.

Each to their own though. I stopped buying new Minelab detectors a long time ago and prefer to buy 2nd hand.

There are still large nuggets to be found.

Here below is a nice nugget found with a GP Extreme only 2 years ago.


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