silver said:Was a smart blue ringed octopus hey !
Just made itself look pasty white and helpless to get what it needed. :Y:
silver said:Take the battery out of the phone and siak the phone in metho.
give the battery a wash and then rinse in metho. It will be flat anyway and safe to do so.
Then let it all air dry for a day or two.
then run a lead out to somewhere safe where no fire could cause injury (just incase) and give it a charge up.
sometimes you can then find the owner pretty easily.
B5MECH said:That's a pretty old tank engine there gda A die-cast one 8) :Y: Think it's a 1980's model 8) :Y:
That's a seller if you can find a collector
Smash that phone :lol: There's Gold inside it :lol: probably not as muck as a Nokia 2100 though :/ :lol:
Mackka said:I love Mavis GDA.
Great finds Arthur.
Rod H said:I have used liquid tape to water proof a coil it works really well. You can get it from supercheap auto cheers
ktmman said:Soooo,when you going to give Cooper a call and see how he's going?
Sandta said:Im enjoying this thread Art
You have been doing very well .... now it looks like you have some competition
Good looking bracelet Sam got :Y: , even if its only bling