So today I decide even though I am tired I will go for a dig to a beach I haven't been to for a while... It's going to be a semi long story...
Anyway I get there and think hmmmm I would really like to have a good dig and find some coins and a ring.
I hit the beach and see another detectorist walking away from my direction with three kiddies and his wife I presume and so
I head in the other direction and see a huge cut.
I could see he hadn't worked the cut and was only interested in hunting the dry sand, by the look of it he was swinging a Garrett Ace..
I found $2.15c on this session and decided to leave, upon inspection of the other guys holes I could see he left all of the rubbish behind...Walking back along
his lines I see what looks like a ring and sure enough ring a ding bling....I am thinking to myself haha woop woop.
I go to another beach and just before getting there I started to self chatter....It went something like...("You shouldn't detect when you're tired and
not really a matching vibration for what you're wanting to find")...
Then the chatter changed to...("You know what you should always celebrate all of your good finds, even the small coins like 5c, 10c, 50c.")
So I arrive at the beach which has yielded many good finds and find rubbish in the form of Susi containers and I am thinking wtf is wrong with people
when there is a rubbish bin ten feet away.
I say to myself okay I will pick this all up when I get back and put it in the rubbish bin.
I head down the beach track and start swinging away, I wasn't getting a thing and so I just continued on anyway because I knew how far I wanted
to go and which sections were usually best all the while I have that rubbish in the back of my mind and my (promise) to pick it up.
Swinging away thinking you never know what you'll find and then beep beep and I get $2, I keep swinging away and see in a small hole what looks
like a blue piece of paper, honestly from the distance I was at I was thinking $10 so I make my way towards it and I see 50...I am like no frigging way!
BOOM a $50 note yeehaaaa and I am thinking god no one is going to believe me when I post this but you know what, those who know me know
I am not one to bull**** about my finds, I have no need too.
Feeling good and heading towards home I decide to stop in one of my favourite spots, it has always produced when I get there and so I head down the track and
I see that someone else has already been there. I know because there are holes everywhere and tent pegs, rubbish left behind.
Not feeling phased by it all I decide to work areas I know that give up the goods...
Anyway I came across a beaut coin spill, 20c followed by 50c, and another 20c.....I am thinking cool that'll do me I am off home but a step later beep beep...
Hmmm TID says $2 and yup boom, then beep again TID again says $2 and yup and I am thinking this is just too good. All up I got a $10.90 coin spill
a few more $2 coins on the way out and now I am home telling my story.
The pics and finds....The sunnies were from a different night with around $16 in change...
Until next time, happy detecting to everyone.
Cheers GDA

:Y: :Y: :Y: