I went out last weekend with another forum member around Dunolly using the GR19 coil (7.5" x 4") and was able to run Sens @ 70, Imask @ 6 or 7 in All Metal, the GB & G/Phase was around the 70 - 86 and it ran smooth enough to ping small shards of lead & tin at 4 - 5" while being able to hear the difference in positive/negative hot rocks and red clay pockets.
Because the ground varied from 70 - 86 and constantly having to re - GB I decided to run in Tracking which seemed to make life a lot easier, as soon as I heard a possible target signal I quickly switched the tracking off and did a GB, worked a treat.
We stayed at the Waanyarra camp grounds and there was this older German guy who came over for a chat, asked what we were using and had never heard of Makro, when I showed him his eyes just looked up and he said "you're using a VLF out here" ? He was running a GXP5000 and SDC2300 and laughed at our 'toys' until I pulled out my .08g test piece and threw it on the ground then pinged it at 3".
He asked to see it again as he said his SDC would struggle to do better so after showing him again he asked me to go over to the 2 buried test pieces they have set up in the camp grounds and see how my toy would go, so after a quick GB I swept over the first one and could get a nice signal that would pull me up out in the field but the second target was a mere warble that if I didn't know it was there I would have ignored it for ground noise.
I asked him what the targets were and he said lead buried deep, I asked if the Makro did well to pick up one of the targets and his reply was his SDC can't ping either target and he was very impressed to see a VLF perform like that, he just shook his head in disbelief considering how small the coil is so I felt good after that.
I'm not suggesting it's better than a SDC but good to see it's a workable VLF in hot ground, no gold for the weekend but happy that the old German chap was impressed at our 'toys', after shouting him a beer he offered up some good advice on locations etc and even showed his container of 5-6 nice little 1-2 grammers he scored with the GPX5000 in his pocket.
Next time I get out that way I'll take some video footage of the performance of the GR19 coil on hot ground, it won't be long now before this Makro GR / GR19 starts getting some runs on the board in the Vic gold fields, just need more time on the coil and the right location.