h t t p://finance.ninemsn.com.au/newsbusiness/8777767/gold-set-for-biggest-annual-plunge-in-30-years
Well it's great news for me. For the few people on this forum who actually find enough gold to sell it's not so good, sorry. For the rest it is great news. There could be a glut of GPX's etc. hitting the market going cheap. There will be a lot less people bothering to look for the shiny stuff as the price drops. Access to leases etc. may get easier as their owners begin to lose interest. Illegal dredging and mining will decrease and the buggers that do it will go back to drug dealing and raping and pillaging (or at least a regular job
For those of us who do it for the fun of it, to get away from the big smoke, to experience the places many will never see and for the camaraderie of like minded folk...This IS good news.
My opinion may be different had I found ''The hand of Goliath'' gigantic gold nugget down at Turon Gates over Xmas...fortunately my reward was a week of peace and quiet and about .5 grams. Happy New Year
Well it's great news for me. For the few people on this forum who actually find enough gold to sell it's not so good, sorry. For the rest it is great news. There could be a glut of GPX's etc. hitting the market going cheap. There will be a lot less people bothering to look for the shiny stuff as the price drops. Access to leases etc. may get easier as their owners begin to lose interest. Illegal dredging and mining will decrease and the buggers that do it will go back to drug dealing and raping and pillaging (or at least a regular job
For those of us who do it for the fun of it, to get away from the big smoke, to experience the places many will never see and for the camaraderie of like minded folk...This IS good news.
My opinion may be different had I found ''The hand of Goliath'' gigantic gold nugget down at Turon Gates over Xmas...fortunately my reward was a week of peace and quiet and about .5 grams. Happy New Year