Getting old?

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Philip & Sandra Box
Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
Cue, WA
How do you know if you're getting old?

We recently took a pleasant holiday to Vanuatu. Much of our time was spent snorkelling the coral reef at various spots around the island of Efate. We also snorkelled with the fresh water fish in crystal clear water and enjoyed having table sized fish taking bread out of our hands. However, you may have noticed we didn't film any of it.

The GoPro is usually packed in the bus and is attached to the headband so that we can film our gold finds. Well it seemed quite reasonable to just grab it and shove it into the suitcase to take to Vanuatu, however the first attempt at using it failed. I blamed the battery so recharged it overnight and tested it in the morning to make sure it was working. The next day we were snorkelling a new patch of very colourful reef with hundreds of beautiful tiny fish. It was bucketing down with rain so our main concern was that we might get wet but we went in anyway. The water was warm but we had freezing cold water pelting us in the back and the raindrops appeared to be bouncing off the top of the water. It was a great day out but once again the GoPro let us down.

It wasn't until we were packing all of our wet stuff ready for the trip back up the beach that Mrs M said "Where's that cover thing for the camera?" And then the penny dropped, I'd forgotten about the waterproof pod that the GoPro should be housed in. I'd drowned the camera, not just once but again on the second attempt. I don't think it's ever going to come back for another go :rolleyes: .
And then the penny dropped, I'd forgotten about the waterproof pod that the GoPro should be housed in.
Hi MB. Is that an older model? We have a Hero 7 Black (which is now at least 4 or 5 years old) and the whole thing is waterproof. The housings are just for attaching stuff these days.

Stick it in rice and see what happens but likely dead unfortunately :(
It was bucketing down with rain so our main concern was that we might get wet but we went in anyway.
We were in Coffs Harbour recently & having a swim one humid afternoon. It started raining & my youngest daughter said "Dad it's raining"
I said "well ya better jump back into the pool before ya get wet then"
Took a few seconds but she got a giggle out of it. The older daughter just rolled her eyes & said "Dad joke".
Hi MB. Is that an older model? We have a Hero 7 Black (which is now at least 4 or 5 years old) and the whole thing is waterproof. The housings are just for attaching stuff these days.

Stick it in rice and see what happens but likely dead unfortunately :(

No I think we're out of luck. It came with a waterproof pod when we bought it.
Yesterday I sold the lease. Mrs M said "How about a Chicko Roll for afternoon tea to celebrate"? So she put two in the air-fryer and gave me one to eat when they were done. The second one she slipped into the Chicko packet and claims to have put it into the fridge.

Today I battled for about an hour to get my Honda quad out of the trailer, pump its tyres and replace the lens on the dash. Honda did a god job of making it tamperproof. At the end of the job she made me a cup of tea and said how about a Chicko Roll?

I said "That'd be nice". She's still looking for it. It's not in the fridge, we've checked the freezers, we've checked the Tupperware draw incase she put it in a box and slipped it back in the draw. We've looked in the dishwasher and just about everywhere else. She doesn't eat Chicko Rolls and I'm sure I only got one :rolleyes:
The missus reckons I shouldn't have keys now I've moved to town I have to use keys, where I lived , I had no reason to take them out of the ignition , 1 there's now one to take the vechile, 2 there got get past the cattle dog .
The missus reckons I shouldn't have keys now I've moved to town I have to use keys, where I lived , I had no reason to take them out of the ignition , 1 there's now one to take the vechile, 2 there got get past the cattle dog .

Fortunately it's still like that here but we're learning to be more cautious. We just returned from walking to the post office and I grabbed the key out of the quad as I walked past. When the new guy turned up from Perth yesterday to buy the lease he asked to see my dryblower. I've sold it now to a farmer from down south. When we got to the dryblower it was sitting there with the engine cover open and the key in the ignition and when I turned around and looked at the loader I sold him it had the door wide open. I guess he came from a good area too but there are always a few ferals passing through so it doesn't matter much where you live these times there's always a risk.

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