Hey Bud!
The cone is frikkin' massive!!!
I can't wait to see it in use! From my research when I got mine, water pressure and revolutions is the crux of the operation.. I do know of a miner up here that took it out of circuit coz he couldn't get it working right.
The Rotax... I think they really want to know that crankshaft tolerance that they can do with some sort of tool?? I know it was a big thing on my biannual airworthy inspection.
But yeah, some avionic parts are calendared and once the time is up, they need to be replaced.
I remember a fella years ago saying that you could buy a new R22, put it in a shed, never fly it... but in 12 years it would need a rebuild! (Dunno how true that story is!)
Yes time runs out for Rotax engines in LSA aircraft. The thing with this particular aircraft is that it is not an LSA but a Type Certified aircraft so falls under different rules.
This document package has been issued to record the details of an Engine Condition
Monitoring Program (ECMP) whereby Rotax 912 series engines that have exceeded
their approved TBO limits may be run on-condition and monitored over 12 months or
100 Flight Hours, whichever happens first.
One of the goals of this ECMP is to gather data about Rotax 912 series engines that are
run beyond their approved TBO limits. This will enable the validation of the engine’s
maintenance program and help support future TBO limit extension recommendations.
Many factors affect the wear that takes place in an engine. The most important of these
include: the efficiency of the air intake filter; the techniques used in engine handling,
particularly during starting; the quality of the fuel and oil used in the engine; and the
conditions under which the aircraft is housed when not in use. Conditions of operation
are also relevant; the length of flights; the atmospheric conditions during flight and on
the ground; and the type of flying undertaken. Many of these factors are outside the
duties of the maintenance engineer, but meticulous compliance with the approved
maintenance programme and any instructions provided in the form of Service Bulletins
or DAH’s recommendations will undoubtedly help to prolong the life of an engine.
The persons seeking entry into the Engine Condition Monitoring Program per this
document do so at their own risk. The potential risks include, but are not limited to,
engine failure and forced landing (with subsequent risks depending on landing location).
Note that the risks listed above were considered at the time of issue of this document,
but it is possible there are other risks not identified on this list.