Gemstone fossicking in Vic

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LoneWolf said:
Marauder said:
A good one is the Quarry in Mortlake, Mount Shadwell. Lots of work/luck to get something nice, but you'll always find something!

Apparently Mount Shadwell is by 'Escort only' now... This was mentioned on another Forum last week... You Book at the Tourist/Info Centre 1 or 2 days Before you turn up and if someone is available, you get to go :rolleyes: The Guide will stay with you while you Fossick for the day.... :rolleyes:

Another Area under Threat...Anybody know Why?


the guide gives up his or hers time for others to stay sometimes the whole day while him or her having already been there many times gets paid nothing for there time I think a donation and a simple thanks go's a long way. its idiots that go into quarry's without permission that locks the rest of us out and its quite simple you only have to break a leg witch has happened at other quarries in Victoria or fall down a 20m high face to your death and think of the poor ******* working the next day finding you maimed or dead sorry for sounding blunt but people don't think of these things and a lot of quarries have locked us out for this very reason.
LoneWolf said:
goldierocks said:
My understanding is that it is an operating quarry, in which case it would not seem unreasonable...

Not at all... at least it's still open.... :)


its still open yes and its a working quarry you need to get permission before entering a working quarry witch means they are taking a big risk letting people into a quarry for obvious reasons mainly safety
I've been there twice in the last year.

Both times I've had to fill out the form, and a guide meets us there. Sometimes they are guys from the gemclub, sometimes they are just mortlake residents. Its good for the town cos it brings in visitors, and they spend money buying food/petrol in the town.

THe guide usually just sits in their car, and you go about your buisness. Though i've only been there on Saturdays, I think you can go during the week too.

I'd say its the best place in Vic for fossicking, because your always going to find something. I've got some very nice looking volcanic bombs from there.

Good thing too is that they don't care how much you take with you. So you can take home a box of rocks and break them up at home if you want.
goldierocks said:
Cruisy247 said:
I'm looking for some places around Leongatha area. I've heard there are sapphires around but not sure on location

slightly North of Bass in private land I think - discussed by Bill Birch in his book on gemstones of Victoria, published by Melboourne Museum (OOP but second hand copies are sold).

Yeah I haven't being able to get access to any land there but I do have access around koonwarra near the back of the tip where i have being told there are Sapphires
Can anyone tell me any good spots around bendigo for fossicking?
Not nessecarily after gold but would like to find a good old creek bed etc to fossick?
Cheers in advance ?
cxxxx ive read a fair bit about Sapphires bass backing to thousand there was a mining company from Queensland that came down and started sampling They got too much drama from the farmers in the area the tenant is now expired but it is still all private land there are some specimens in the Melbourne Museum and they are the bluest Cephise I have ever seen the smaller than a P and that was the largest found
My wife picked up a book off fleabay called "Gemstones of Victoria" by Derrick Stone, published back in 1967
Hi, Au fever,

I would like to ask you for the names of creeks to please, I'm also in central Vic and want to take the grandkids out to find some gems.

Also if anyone knows a good crystal spot around the Bendigo area, please let me know.
G0lddigg@ said:
WalnLiz said:
G0lddigg@ said:
yellow and gems in Daylesford area, plenty of dried out creeks that you can find a small puddle in, my mate nick has picked up at least 20 rubies and gems in the last week. Very kid friendly daylesford

Unfortunately they won't be "Rubies" ...Rubies are red Gem quality Corundum (Sapphires) and are extremely rare in Australia. What you mainly have down there are red zircons and garnets, and they cut and polish into some fine stones.....Cheers Wal. ;)

true? I was told by quite a few different people from there that they were rubies 8.( mud on my face, there are three really dark ones which i was sure were rubies.
There are also little blue ones, and a friend of mine has two emeralds now thinking they must be demantoid.

oh well they are beautiful all the same although probably not as keen to pick the other 100+ very small ones out of my cons now :) still i ahve to wopnder if the clear ones are in fact diamonds or garnets now as apparently quite a few were found here before lake daylesford was flouded and possibly after the floody some of them gems might have moved through the creek system :)
Golddigg has informed you correctly. I am only aware of one true ruby ever being found in Victoria (near Beenak). Daylesford has large zircons, there have been attempts to mine blue sapphire around Trentham (eg Blue Mountain). Sapphires and zircon are fairly widespread in Victoria but sapphires are mostly small.
I don't think an emerald has ever been found in Victoria (but green sapphire occurs in a number of places).
Hi all,
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me a good spot to find some gems with my son who has autism, he is gem obsessed and Ive promised Ill take him out.
We are located in Whittlesea, any close locations and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Stephanie,

My wife picked up a book off fleabay called "Gemstones of Victoria" by Derrick Stone, published back in 1967 by Jacaranda Press.

It lists the following gem fields near Geelong and what can be found in them.

Blackwood-Trentham: Black Gins (Plenaste), blue and green sapphires, limonite, red zircons, quartz.
Ballarat: Amethyst, garnet, citrine, sapphire, coloured quartz, topaz, emerald, zircon.
Daylesford: Agates, sapphire, garnets, quartz crystal, rubies, zircon

Shoot me a PM if you want the names of some of the rivers/creeks where these can be found.
I would like to hear the rivers/creeks up in daylesford and ballarat.

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