Gotta luv dogs and Meerkats.
LoneWolf said:Breaking News Jaros... The Meerkats have been removed from TV...Reason, Cause of their association with Russia... 8.(
Thanks Putin, about the only thing i look forward to lately is a New Meerkat Add... :/
Mackka said:Love Sergay, i could watch those ads without wanting to put a brick through the telli.
Nightjar said:Watch very little commercial TV so not familiar with Meerkat ads.
Thought Meerkats were native to Africa not Russia - Pukins patch?
silver said:
Nightjar said:silver said:
This has become repetitive and VERY boring......
I had to both work with and report to a few of them before retirement finally saved me. ?fwdoz said:
Flash Jack said:I had to both work with and report to a few of them before retirement finally saved me. ?fwdoz said:
fwdoz said:Flash Jack said:I had to both work with and report to a few of them before retirement finally saved me. ?fwdoz said:
Same Flash Jack.
I had a guy with a degree replace me. 2 years later he was sacked for incompetence. All he did was stare out the window all day and tell everyone how good he was. Not worth the paper his degree was written on.