I had this post over in the thread with the video of lava dripping into the sea. In the interests of not hijacking the thread, and because Back Creek had an experience to share, I thought we could copy it over here.
There are a few chilli heads on the forum, so there must be a couple of flaming date stories!
30 January 2015 11:47 pm
Billy wrote:
yikes ooooh the pain!!! ooooh the pain!!!!! yikes
A dodgy vindaloo perhaps Dr? big_smile
It was in Ireland, of all places, and back in those days (1970's) the Indian restaurants in the UK had Madras curry that was hot, Vindaloo, very hot, and Phal Curry, extra very hot. I like spicy food, but by the time I got to Ireland had been back packing around Europe for four months eating mild food. I had lost my resistance to chilli.
Anyway, in Cork I saw an Indian restaurant, and immediately got the feeling that I wanted to eat curry. My mouth started to water at the thought of eating something hot. I'm such an addict that my mouth is watering right now as I type this.
Of course I had to order the Phal. I also asked for a chilli sambal - thinking of chilli pickle - and got a whole green chilli. I thought that extra very hot in Ireland probably meant medium as far as I was concerned. The waiter looked at me doubtfully and asked if I really wanted to order that, and I said yep.
Most of the time when you eat a really hot curry the heat builds up and hits you after a few mouth fulls. This curry started hot, and became incendiary after a few more bites and a few bits of the raw chilli. The waiter kept walking past to see how I was going, and like an idiot this made me even more determined to eat the whole bloody thing.
Sweat started to run down my forehead, my nose started to run, tears started to flow and I hit that endorphin rush that comes from eating something really hot. It was quite enjoyable in a weird kind of way. I'm proud to say that I got it done, and ate the lot.
Walking back to the youth hostel my mouth started to cool off but ominous rumblings started to develop in the upper digestive tract.
These started to head south at an alarming pace. My alimentary canal had registered the assault, and reacted by increasing the peristaltic motion from the normal lazy squeeze to a rapid contraction aimed at eliminating the offensive material as fast as possible.
The funny thing is that the stomach and small intestine don't seem to react much to the heat in chillies. But the large intestine does. It took an hour or so rather than the normal 12 for the curry to get that far, and as soon as it did the large intestine started to cramp and squeeze to get rid of the horrendous semi digested stuff.
Having had some prior experience I knew that the only place to be was in the toilet, so in I went. It did not take long for the curry to start emerging, not unlike those strings of lava in the video.
As it did not have time to start being digested, it was just as hot going out as it was going in, except that the blurter is more sensitive than the mouth.
I have also never smelt anything quite like it, and neither did the other backpacker who came into the toilets, gagged, retched and left swiftly.
I think I was there for an hour, as after the initial rush it took some time to clear the pipes completely. For for all that time I had a ring like a burning tyre. Probably got blisters, but had no way to tell. I tried wetting some toilet paper and applying it to the angry date, but that did not help much.
All in all, an experience, that's for sure.....
There are a few chilli heads on the forum, so there must be a couple of flaming date stories!
30 January 2015 11:47 pm
Billy wrote:
yikes ooooh the pain!!! ooooh the pain!!!!! yikes
A dodgy vindaloo perhaps Dr? big_smile
It was in Ireland, of all places, and back in those days (1970's) the Indian restaurants in the UK had Madras curry that was hot, Vindaloo, very hot, and Phal Curry, extra very hot. I like spicy food, but by the time I got to Ireland had been back packing around Europe for four months eating mild food. I had lost my resistance to chilli.
Anyway, in Cork I saw an Indian restaurant, and immediately got the feeling that I wanted to eat curry. My mouth started to water at the thought of eating something hot. I'm such an addict that my mouth is watering right now as I type this.
Of course I had to order the Phal. I also asked for a chilli sambal - thinking of chilli pickle - and got a whole green chilli. I thought that extra very hot in Ireland probably meant medium as far as I was concerned. The waiter looked at me doubtfully and asked if I really wanted to order that, and I said yep.
Most of the time when you eat a really hot curry the heat builds up and hits you after a few mouth fulls. This curry started hot, and became incendiary after a few more bites and a few bits of the raw chilli. The waiter kept walking past to see how I was going, and like an idiot this made me even more determined to eat the whole bloody thing.
Sweat started to run down my forehead, my nose started to run, tears started to flow and I hit that endorphin rush that comes from eating something really hot. It was quite enjoyable in a weird kind of way. I'm proud to say that I got it done, and ate the lot.
Walking back to the youth hostel my mouth started to cool off but ominous rumblings started to develop in the upper digestive tract.
These started to head south at an alarming pace. My alimentary canal had registered the assault, and reacted by increasing the peristaltic motion from the normal lazy squeeze to a rapid contraction aimed at eliminating the offensive material as fast as possible.
The funny thing is that the stomach and small intestine don't seem to react much to the heat in chillies. But the large intestine does. It took an hour or so rather than the normal 12 for the curry to get that far, and as soon as it did the large intestine started to cramp and squeeze to get rid of the horrendous semi digested stuff.
Having had some prior experience I knew that the only place to be was in the toilet, so in I went. It did not take long for the curry to start emerging, not unlike those strings of lava in the video.
As it did not have time to start being digested, it was just as hot going out as it was going in, except that the blurter is more sensitive than the mouth.
I have also never smelt anything quite like it, and neither did the other backpacker who came into the toilets, gagged, retched and left swiftly.
I think I was there for an hour, as after the initial rush it took some time to clear the pipes completely. For for all that time I had a ring like a burning tyre. Probably got blisters, but had no way to tell. I tried wetting some toilet paper and applying it to the angry date, but that did not help much.
All in all, an experience, that's for sure.....