Finally we have some winners for this months Members Draw (I really need to work on a script to automate the draw process :/).
1363 - Kiwiau (0 Posts)
1340 - MLShop (1 Post)
1081 - No User
1206 - shykhi (7 Posts)
1806 - newbie1 (0 Posts)
1348 - raygooley (10 Posts)
378 - Syndyne (359 Posts) - Prize Doner
182 - drbob (0 Posts)
1797 - Krisby (0 Posts)
150 - The Drifters (2 Posts)
367 - PeterB (4 Posts)
1535 - thommie (0 Posts)
1071 - slowflow (176 Posts) - Prize 1 WINNER
409 - Creepy_Chriso (0 Posts)
1921 - gibbo67 (0 Posts)
1040 - Gunter (12 Posts)
799 - Jezza (0 Posts)
903 - fabs (6 Posts)
856 - mdegotardi (0 Posts)
1217 - Raisin loaf (0 Posts)
698 - lindy72 (1 Post)
925 - Goldman (3 Posts)
1483 - ironskulls (4 Posts)
340 - sam.374 (1 Post)
408 - Jackson40 (0 Posts)
1808 - Young collector17 (0 Posts)
51 - No User
1646 - ex terra lucem. (0 Posts)
355 - tomcat (0 Posts)
1209 - Reginald (0 Posts)
1202 - goldcamper2013 (0 Posts)
1640 - Klownshooz (0 Posts)
634 - gino (3 Posts)
1630 - Lizard (0 Posts)
1791 - Rusty4036 (1 Post)
259 - Adam (21 Posts) Prize 2 WINNER
188 - love deteting (0 Posts)
784 - The Green Wanderer (57 Posts) Prize 3 WINNER
1091 - jason78 - (54 Posts) - Site Sponsor
326 - Garryntracy (0 Posts)
1721 - Pegleg (0 Posts)
1247 - Spike's mate (1 Post)
1335 - trekin (3 Posts)
1861 - Joshwasere (22 Posts) Prize 4 WINNER
Congratulations guys, see below for the draw video.
Video 2 (the 4th winner which was forgotten about on Friday evening)