Ctx Madness

Prospecting Australia

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Got a few penny's and a 1960 Sixpence this arvo over about 2 hours. Gotta stop being lazy and hit some new spots, this is still the 5 minute from home place, time to start hitting some different suburbs parks a bit further away that I've selected on google earth and six map viewer.

Not much left at this spot at all.


Gotta be happy with just what you get sometimes,.... it's not all about the finds(it's all about all the gold and silver). ;) :D
I wonder what the wording on the outside says(if it is words). :| :D
Geez, that ring is my best find ever then......lol. It was pretty deep too, a good 15cm down, ground was very soft though.

Cheers for the enlightenment GP. :D It might have been plated I think, well it was but it seems to have shed anything resembling gold, truly a magic ring in that case. :lol:
Got out today for a few hours at a new spot and had a pretty good hunt, got numerous pennies and half penny's, 5 silvers, $5, an Australian Air League wings badge, an Australian Military Forces button and another Navy looking type button made by Stokes & Sons Melb.

All up a good hunt. I have tried this spot before with the Aldi but there was too much junk, was heaps better with the CTX's powerful discrimination.







Awesome hunt Heath :cool: looks like you have a hot spot :p

Edit - nice British merchant navy officers button :cool:
Awesome!!! Your finds are always impressive Heatho
Looking forward to finding a park like that myself
Have sampled most of the parks around here and have not found a pre dec yet