Heatho said:Well, after buggering around with these cryptos over the past 2 weeks I have realised that Coinspot are a bit dodgy with the way they do things, firstly the graphs and estimated value of holdings are all based on a buy price, when you sell there is quite a large disparity between buy and sell prices plus the fees they charge on top. So make sure you take this into account when selling coins. If they were to make all the info based on the sell prices of your holding it would be a lot better. Anyway, they must be making an absolute fortune.
I'm cashing out $200 down from when I started, I might buy back in buuuut I don't think so.
I know there is usually a spread on any trades between buy and sell prices but yeah, not really impressed with Coinspots prices, graphs and other info.
There are better exchanges than Coinspot who finally verified my account after 3 times of redoing photos to their specs....I used them for my first initial deposit but can and will be using other exchanges once my Son stops with the whole secrecy BS and lets Myself and My wife into the goss...