Cannot buy a miners prospecting pick on eBay because Queensland Police considered as a knife what the #$%*

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Feb 7, 2020
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a member of Lapidary club in Brisbane and one of the things I like doing is fossicking for Gems and certain rock types like petrified wood in outback Queensland only been doing it for the last couple years so I decided that I’ll get small little miners prospecting pick so I looked on E Bay. I found one to buy

It said on eBay due to the restrictions of sale of knives in Queensland this item is not for purchase in your location please see the Queensland Police website for more information

Well I am in my mid fifty’s no criminal records I can’t believe this a miners prospecting pick is considered as weapon well driving a car is weapon too kill peoples every day on our roads so is a steak knife so is a baseball bat in which many people would have under there beds with this youth crime going on to protect themselves

Just wandering how many other items are not actual knifes are caught up in this band in Queensland’s


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What is the definition of a knife in the Qld law?

(7) In this section— "knife" includes a thing with a sharpened point or blade that is reasonably capable of— (a) being held in 1 or both hands; and. (b) being used to wound or threaten to wound anyone when held in 1 or both hands. "public place" includes a vehicle that is in or on a public place.
Sent an email to an Ol'mate...

Hi Mark and Team,
Simon White here from Cairns, part of the Gel Blaster and Weapons Licensing Legislative Advisory Team a few yews ago.
You may remember that you quoted my comments on the Legislative changes in your presentation to the QLD Parliament.
Mark, I have been a gold prospector since a boy, in fact to this day still hold mining leases in FNQ.
That being said, I have also been a member of Australia's Premier Gold Prospecting website for many years.
It has been brought up that a member in QLD who fossicks for gems, fossils and petrified wood etc, tried to buy a prospecting pick from Victoria, however the seller would not sell to him, citing QLD law.

What is the definition of a knife in the Qld law?
(7) In this section— "knife" includes a thing with a sharpened point or blade that is reasonably capable of— (a) being held in 1 or both hands; and. (b) being used to wound or threaten to wound anyone when held in 1 or both hands. "public place" includes a vehicle that is in or on a public place.

Now I understand common sense, but do we now stop an axe or gardening tool from being sold from Bunnings?
I thought this law was to stop selling to minors, not to adults. (I can see the Online Vs Face to Face debate here).

Anyway Mark, it would be great if you or your Team could respond and please when you are back up in Cairns, call me for your shout in Coffee again!

Best Regards,
Simon and Sarah White
Probably can't buy cutlery used for eating either. Will need to use hands and be an animal 😅

It's a crazy world.
Yes Martin stupidity reigns supreme. There would be very few if any households that do not possess a sizeable knife, meat cleaver or set of screwdrivers capable of killing someone. Then we get to the tools like large shifting spanners, tyre levers, jack handles not to mention the common garden tools such as shovels, picks, spades and forks. I think the clowns that introduce these bans must be from a different planet. They certainly have no common sense or understanding of the normal Australian household. Maybe they will make us register all of the pre-mentioned potential weapons.. I should not really have said that as some bureaucrat might pick up on it as a good idea to tax and control us further.

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