Can you solve the riddle

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Sometimes I shine,
sometimes Im dull,
sometimes I am big, and sometimes I am small.
I can be pointy,
I can be curved,
and dont ask me questions because even though Im sharp,
Im not smart enough to answer you.
What am I?
A limo driver is going the wrong way down a one way street.
He goes past four police officers along the way,
yet none of them stop him.
One even smiled and waved.
Why didnt the police stop him?
This one has been donated

I am something people love or hate.
I change peoples appearances and thoughts.
If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher.
To some people I will fool them.
To others I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show
No matter how hard people try I will Never go down.
What am I?
Lets keep this clean please
I started this so maybe just maybe for a few minutes people might think about something else besides this virus
I dont want it locked as its a bit of fun also

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