Can anyone ID these small gems!

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Jul 15, 2015
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just wanted to know what some of these are? There's a green and a blue one not shore about?
What area of Australia were they found will help identify ( area only not exactly location).
At a guess Orange/brown are zircon, red are garnets, clear quartz crystal, blue/green possibly sapphire depending on their location.
Nice little pile youve got there, you'd need to do a couple of tests to be sure but from the photos it looks like youve got a handful of garnets of different shades, a couple of citrine quartz crystals and a smokey quartz crystal. The blue and green are interesting, id say a fluorite crystal maybe thats the long pointed one unless its as hard as the citrine in which case its probably a green quartz crystal.
the smaller hexagonal green one is a mystery, could be a sapphire but again youd have to test it to be sure.
Hopefully it is, its the right crystalline structure. :)
The small hexagonal one you can almost guarantee is a Sapphire, sapphire crystals are hex shaped usually and it's about the right colour. The long thin small one will need a better photo to give me a decent idea on what it is, could be a tiny dogtooth sapph but not likely as it's not quite the right shape, could be a beryl crystal but not likely either or a green quartz crystal.... maybe.

The clear ones are quartz and the reddish ones are Zircons and maybe a couple of garnets, Aussie zircon can be any colour from clear to any shade of red or brown.

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