Hello, My name is Ron Long - I'm a long retired Fire Officer and ardent collector & researcher into all aspects of early UK Fire Fighting - particularly the history & equippage of the earliest Fire Brigades as operated & maintained by Insurance Companies. I am in the process of putting together works on various aspects with a view (eventually) to publication. One of my collecting themes is the Buttons of those Insurance Company Firemen that operated in london and the provinces from as early as 1682 - right through to 1924 when the last Insurance Company Fire Brigade (Norwich Union) shut up shop in Worcester. As far as London was concerned, by far the majority of such men plied their trade as Watermen - the Taxi service of the day. There were, at various times, more than 20 Insurance Companies employing as many as 500 men for the protection of the Capitol. One such was the PROTECTOR FIRE OFFICE and your button is one manufactured for either the sleve or waistcoat of a Protector Fireman. I came across your posting here by following up the name (S.S.EDKINS) which appeared on a button very similar to yours that was on Sale on Ebay (ending just a few days ago, and now in my possession) I have taken the liberty - I hope you don't mind, to pirate your pics - at least it has now emerged from obscurity to take its rightful place in the records. I assume that it is 2cm. in diameter ? and of course is different to my recent acquisition in that the backmark address, including "FLEET ST." makes it another variant. Whilst I would love to know just where it was found my assumption is that EDKINS, the possessor of the button die, continued production and whilst unable to hawk his wares in the UK saw Australia as a ready market for "generic" Fireman buttons to equip the emergent Aussi Fire Brigades which were, to a large extent purchasing most of their kit from UK suppliers.
If you have a mind to part with the button I should dearly like you to consider me as a likely contender for its aquisition.
I have attached a page from my embryonic book covering the PROTECTOR. It will be published A4 Landscape format and all buttons are shown double size against a cm/mm grid. My recent purchase is Button 3; and yours Button 4.
Hope this has been of help, Regards, Ron.
If you have a mind to part with the button I should dearly like you to consider me as a likely contender for its aquisition.
I have attached a page from my embryonic book covering the PROTECTOR. It will be published A4 Landscape format and all buttons are shown double size against a cm/mm grid. My recent purchase is Button 3; and yours Button 4.
Hope this has been of help, Regards, Ron.