@Jaros; You might find this link useful
@Doug; lolol This forum site never ceases to amaze me. The last place I would have expected to find very useful beekeeping info was a prospecting site! But then, I suppose some of us are just naturally curious and willing to have a go at things other people dont, for whatever their reasons. There certainly are many character traits portable between the two exploits - fabrication, problem solving, thirst for info, adventurism, determination and a predisposition toward the enjoyment of liquid 'nourishment' - not to mention a healthy appreciation of booty and its benefits! Harrr
@Les; Likewise, it's great (as I mention to Doug) to find a neat little beekeeping thread tucked away in such an unusual place on the internettings.
That stuff you are doing with custom frames takes beekeeping to a true form of art!
I have only been involved with bees for a few months now. I started with the idea of sticking a toe in the water and then though "Heck, why not give it a DECENT go?" So I changed my plan of starting with three colonies to starting with ten. Then I started buying more boxes and frames etc., 'cos I don't like not being busy. I think you mentioned something about that in an early post on this thread, something about A.D.D. or whatever is that they pidgeon-hole people who can't sit still. lolol Heck, they used to lock me in a cupboard at kindergarted when it was time to have the afternoon snooze. I just wanted to boogie. Then after a couple of weeks I figured what they were doing was just wrong - so I told Mum. She tore strips off 'em while all the other mums were delivering their kids the next morning, and that was the last I saw of that joint. From then on it was sunny days (every day) on the grass in the park next to the river eating lamingtons with Mum.

Well, that's the way I remember it anyway
Shot some 60FPS video of the girls coming and going from the entrances of a couple of hives today. If there's any decent stuff there I'll try to get some footage up here soon. The really funny thing was that while I was doing it the girls were not upset AT ALL! I even sat, bang-smack, right in front of their hives (only 30~40CM away with the camera only about 10cm away)) while doing it and none of them cared in the slightest. lolol just a lucky day I suppose. Other days they have angrily chased me all the way back to my vehicle (10~30 metres away) when I was finished checking them. Maybe I'm getting better at reducing the unintentional carnage I have inflicted in the past.