Let me explain it from the beginning,
I was about 8 years old,
My 3 brother's and 2 cousin and I went out playing, like kids do,
All the boys said let's go and play around the dam just up the road a bit,
we might catch some frogs,
We all headed up to the dam,
When we got there one of the cousin said oh look 3 bee hive's,
Sitting next to the dam,
The boys said let's see if there are any bee's in the boxes,
They pushed one over and no bee's was home in the box,
I said don't hurt the bee's,
One said stop your winging,
I run behind a tree,
Then they pushed the other one into the dam,
Still no bee's,
They all was laughing at me hiding behind the tree,
Then my eldest brother pushed the last bee box into the dam,
Holly smoke it was full of bee's,
I poked my little head out from the tree,
Then all the bee's took to me,
I had bee stings all over my body, I was crying so bad because I could not stop the bee's from stinging me,
The people that lived down the road heard me crying and the boys yelling,
They came to see what was wrong, when they seen what was happing , they grab me,
Rushed me down to there house, put a blanket around me as I was in shock,
They sent the boys home to tell my mum that they was taking me to the hospital,
I had Sting's in places where you should not be sting,
Had to be placed in a ice bath for days, while they tried to get all the Sting's out of my little body,
The doctors told my mum that they don't no if I would survive,
Was in hospital for two weeks,
Lucky to be alive,