YES, my mate hakes hives from Hebel due to insulation properties and min water issues...
Timber is great but you need good timber and thick to help insulate and long term weather...
Volume of the hive has implications and do you want bees or do you want honey as well... More variables... And only a couple hundred gram from most hives... But it will cure EVERYTHING LOL.. stupid media and people on the band wagon...
A healthy hive and live with it = many many years of enjoyment and pass on the the kids, teh hive could well out last you

and cost sweet F$%@# all over the long run.
( I have made a Hive from Thick Glass and then encased in a removable timber cover - great for education of kids and people)
Bee Aware many people out there selling and promoting and some get very passionate if not a bit tin foil hat. They seem to think they know best, but I am yet to be convinced as never known any one that can speak or understand Bee talk... The bees are survivors and us humans are vastly different and teh bees take advantage..
But people on Gum Tree and FB will sell a hive with bees from $350 to $900 and some are just a rip off and others will fail as teh hive is weak... Like many things, buyer bee aware..
PS. A hive can take many months to totally fail... As it is about Bee numbers and the Brood and the Queen. On average 50 days for a Bee to hatch and the foragers are usually those towards the end of their life and that could be 50 days - thus 90 days from laying to getting outside. So without good numbers and good stores and a Active Queen, a hive can sort of appear to be going ok for a few months... But it could well die...
Long story short - If the hive has not been stable and established for 5 to 6 months and in good condition = Step away...