The Mining Registrar went in there and noted that the bush was really dense and the miners clothes were ripped and torn - so give it the name now abbreviated to BB. Not bare bosoms as Manpa suggested, but that was close.
Correct Goldie rocks, the worst mining disaster in Bendigo gold mining history, I believe over 350 people lost their lives in mining accidents in Bendigo and surrounding districts over the years.
I died soon after and my miner friends decided to carry me a long distance to the cemetery. I was heavy, they were probably drunk, so they gave up part way and buried me beside the road.
This question seems to be a disaster - nobody having a go. I would have thought many Victorian prospectors would have driven past her roadside grave, which is marked with a clearly visible sign on the road (and it is part of local prospecting lore). I'm down to giving the answer away, as I have only one more clue left, and it is a dead giveaway.