Australian History

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Clue8.My father died on the 14th Feb.1926.
9.My concept for construction had been formulated as early as 1924 and construction was began along with major public works in 1927.
Clue 10.In that same year 1927, I went to Europe on a quest to secure the latest technology for my enterprise and a licence from deLaval,and some crucial German and American ideas.
In 1928 I was renamed and firmly established where I still exist till this day.
Well people...I have some news.On sunday last at about 4.10 pm or so as I settled in to watch the dragons... I had a heart attack!.... :eek: IT'S ONSET WAS RAPID...but not before I had suffered severe pain...checked my blood-pressure and at 198 over wife called an ambulance...I had the actual attack soon after they arrived and awoke on the floor... there was a frenzied rush to Wollongong Hospital as my heart was not getting any...or very little blood and my heart muscle on the right was in the process of dying.They gave me all the tests soon after the attack(paramedics) and two ambulances were in attendance.The surgeon and his team were waiting for me, as all the info was being relayed to them in real-time as we screamed along the 18k's to get there....I was immediately operated on and a stent was inserted into a blocked artery on the right side of my ticker.Obviously I survived the ordeal..and what a frightening ordeal it was..A whole raft of lifestyle changes has been suddenly and irrevocably thrust upon me ..but mainly I have had to say goodbye to my old mate cigarrette. 8.( ..So for the time being I have been ordered to take things easy and take a ***** load of pills..but not to get stressed out! I am going to back out of the forum for a bit and that applies to this topic.
The answer I was looking for here!..who and what was I ..Cecil Hoskins...and what....Australian Iron and Steel Works...Port Kembla...As Rockhunter 62 was the last to respond..I nominate him to take up the running.
See you all on the other side of my initial recovery. :Y:
Hope everything works out alright for you Reefer and that you make a quick recovery. I'm still cleaning out the shed and posting items onto gumtree and about to start night shift I would not be able to spend enough time doing research for a question so I think that xcvator should carry the lantern on this one.

Take it easy and we'll see you back here when you are ready.


All the best Reefer and hope you are on the mend soon mate!
We still have to have another bonfire singalong down the track.
I "liked" your post cause it meant you were still alive :eek: ;) :)
All the best reefer for a speedy recovery :Y: there'll be more than one poem to this story I'm thinking.
Rockhunter have you got a question yet at all? If not I got a fairly easy one ready to go. Also reefer I wish you all the best in your recovery and by the sounds of it you are lucky you are still here with us. Get well soon :)
shakergt said:
Rockhunter have you got a question yet at all? If not I got a fairly easy one ready to go. Also reefer I wish you all the best in your recovery and by the sounds of it you are lucky you are still here with us. Get well soon :)

Go for it shaker, I'm on night shift now so have no time to play.



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