Australian History

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Geez! Mal is related to George Edwards who played dad in dad and dave. George married Coral Lansbury, cousin of Angela Lansbury....Mals not as good an actor....
Spot on guys
Its Dad and Dave from Snake Gully a popular radio show and movie series that ran from 1937 until 1953 . George Edwards was
married to Carol Lansbury for a short time before his death in 1954 and she after his death married Bruce Bliegh Turnbull and gave bith to Malcome Turdball our PM :D
Magila has the next turn ;)
Not too many Australians that haven't heard of Dad and Dave.

This person may have been done before so apologies if so. In the early 20th century they developed a new way to treat a debilitating disease and at the same time started a whole new field of medical treatment.
oops dont know what happend man!...snort.. cough...... :cool: aah that might be Elizabeth Kenny and her controversial (at first)treatment of heat massage and exercise...where previously it was thought that the patient needed to be bound up and restricted(big mistake...Kenny's treatment made a huge difference and i seem to remember that us kids.. ie school kids(i started school in 1953) recieved the big breakthrough which was a immune shot in the arm.. that was...or seemed to be a foot long way back then....much crying and nashing of teeth :lol:
You got it Reefer, Elizabeth Kenny basically invented physiotherapy with her exercise and massage treatment of polio sufferers, one of Australia's greats.
i don't know whats going on here :mad: i'm on my laptop...must be tapping something i should not tap...i post and there is nothing there... and so i post again... and the previous post pops up..????ggrrr....sorry people!
I was created at sea on a steamship!what was i and what was the name of the ship. :cool:

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