Not about the cream, but I thought this would go in here ok.
Bit of back ground, I have suffered from arthritis for 20 years and been taking NSAID's for about that time.
Last year on a trip to Cape York I jarred a tendon in my thumb from corrugations on the roads, anti inflammatories did nothing to help it.
About 6 months ago I started getting a massive pain in the back of my right thigh, a combination of pandol and ibuprofin seemed to help. 8 weeks ago I finally went to my gp , had an MRI and it was diagnosed as sciatic nerve pain, not funny. I was then referred to a sports medicine specialist, who then sent me for hydrotherapy, but he also suggested that I take a tablet of Tumeric every day.
Now I'm not going to say what worked with what or how, but, I haven't taken a pain killer now for nearly 3 weeks, I stopped using the NSAID's 2 weeks ago and I'm almost totally pain free and have very good movement in all my old bad joints.
So for about $40-00 I suggest you try the tumeric tablets for a couple of months.This does not constitute medical advise in any shape or form, just my opinion, I'm a believer

cheers Keith