I shall go into the natural remedies wing of my library (i'm not kidding) and see what I can come up with...
First cab off the rank,
Arthritis and Folk Medicine by D C Jarvis M.D.
Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two of honey in a glass ofwater, taken at each meal (acidity regulation in the stomach).
One kelp tablet at breakfast (iodine - check suitability of use with a Doctor, Naturopath, etc.).
A solution of half a cup of vinegar and three of hot water (comfortable enough to tolerate) to soak joints in AND/OR as a hot compress (one towel soaked in the hot solution is applied to the joint and another dry towel wrapped around to hold in the heat. Re apply as needed as long as the vinegar smell remains and it is kept hot.
EVERY DAY you must follow biological food selection if you expect any sort of relief no matter what home made or over the counter remedy you use...completely remove wheat cereals/processed foods, white sugar, citrus fruit and juice AND remove muscle meats such as beef, lamb and pork from your diet. These are alkalising foods that lead to a plethora of illnesses and dis-ease.
I know, it bites big time but there is no easy fix. If you do not do the basic things outlined above you have very little chance of success.
I am no expert but I did study Health Science (Naturopathy) for three years and I grow my own medicinal plants and make home remedies. I gave my idea of becoming a Naturopath away because I realised I was just urinating in the wind if I expected most people to actually take responsibility for their own health. There is no magic pill to avoid putting in effort. I will gladly help anyone willing to be personally responsible for their own lives and do some research of their own.
Forgive me if I sound rude, but I have found that people want to hand personal responsibility over to others and then blame them when the rules that were laid out for successful treatment are blatantly ignored and/or they have not left sufficient time for the herbal and folk remedies to work. "Oh, I could never give up wheat and meat!". Well, my answer is, "You better start enjoying your illness because no one can help you if you don't help yourself".
A basic rule of thumb for dis-ease is that it takes one month of treatment for every year that the illness has been manifesting before any improvement will be noticed. Arthritis and other auto immune diseases originate in the gut. Western science largely ignores this fact because there is no profit to be made from teaching people how to take responsibility for their own health. You can sell them a pill that will never be fully effective on its own which creates demand and also creates other side effects to be treated with more pills. Also, the general populace is at fault because we have allowed ourselves to become brainwashed, stupid and lazy and most will not take responsibility for their own actions.
If you think about it you will probably come to the conclusion that I have: we do not have a health industry, we have a sickness industry (enough of that - too political for here

You can make your own creams if you wish. Save your dollars. The stuff you make will work better than any of the advertising claims on a pack of commercial product. I can share some of my own recipes if you like.
Another thing, if you note an improvement in your condition you still have to take it easy and try not to work the joint too hard. It will never go back to normal and will remain damaged tissue for ever.
Good luck everyone, whatever you decide to do to manage the problem.
P.S. My wife has stage four osteoarthritis with about 30% of cartilage left in her ankle joints. We do everything possible to help her but it will never get better, only worse. The constant pain is unbearable and the strongest pain killers do nothing much, only mess with her mind big time. there is no going back now. Best do what you can now before it's too late. I have total sympathy for everyone going through debilitating illness. I wish you well on your journey towards homoeostasis.
P.P.S. If anyone wants to know more I am always available to have a chat and make suggestions when time allows. Management of my wife's conditions takes precedence of course but if I have time I will do what I can to help point you in the right direction. I hope you all find relief whatever you decide to do, make or buy.