Rotor. 108th field battry were not involved in the fighting at FSB Coral. It was a 105 mm M2A2 howitzer, the No. 6 gun.of 102 Field Battery, 12th Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery that was over run by NVA at
Fire Support Base Coral, Bien Hoa province, Vietnam. 13 May 1968.
The normal order of march was altered this year to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Battles of CORAL and BALMORAL in South Vietnam, 12 May to 6 June 1968. 12th Field Regiment Association lead the associations and units, acknowledging its role in commanding the forward deployment of 102 Field Battery and 161 Field Battery (RNZA), while 104 Field Battery (on rotation) replaced 108 Field Battery in 1 Aust Task Force base.
During these battles 102 Field Battery ( now none as the Coral battery) played a significant role, providing fire support to two battalion groups, while repelling a regiment size ground attack on its gun position by firing guns over open sights, and being involved in hand to hand combat on the first night at FSB Coral.
No disrespect to 108th fld battery whose members were involved in many vital operations during there time in Vietnam.
But n January 1968 the 4th Field Regiment was flown north-west from Nui Dat to FSB Harrison, in order to support both 2RAR and 7RAR during Operation Coburg, a reconnaissance-in-force between the Song Dong Nai and Route 1. For the remainder of its tour the 108th Field Battery was mainly deployed on operations south of Nui Dat towards the coast. Operation Cooktown Orchid (1-24 April 1968) was part of this pattern and marked the battery's last deployment away from Nui Dat in support of a major operation.
The 108th Field Battery fired the last round of its tour of duty on 28 May 1968. During its time in Vietnam the battery had fired 68,169 rounds in the course of 2,357 separate firing missions.