705 finds

Prospecting Australia

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I've detected a couple of churchyards before, just rang them up a few days earlier and they were very accommodating. :cool: Though they must have been accommodating to quite a few before me, as the finds were disappointing. 8.(

All of the above mentioned locations will require prior permission to detect, fences are there for a reason.
Dont worry will go over and look for a number to contact the church before doing anything there. Although, It does looks as if its been decommissioned.
The primary school next door was established 1870, its only three class rooms and a small admin building.
nucopia said:
I have hit every park in my my area. heaps of junk and about $40 so for .. Very few sports fields and few places were large crowds gather or places where people picnick. I will have go further afield which meens a 20-40 minute drive ..with my Cheap MD im not confident its worth the effort,
I have scoped out some old churches a masonic hall and some primary schools established in the late 1870s with churces located next door. Might try them and see what I can find. But the way things are many have high fences so I will have to do a covert penetration at nigh so as not to draw attention to my activities .

And if you were to say.. clear some brush elsewhere .. then the authorities would be too busy to worry about your activities.
Funny you should say that Brian, because from my house you can see there is a large amount of smoke across the lake in the general direction of that bush.. :eek:
we find them around here as well, usually unfired, carrying bullets mustave been a common thing.
Suffering from a dose of Ramjet Syndrome (wanting to detect, cant be bothered driving more than a few minutes) I hit the park I turned my nose up at two days ago for a nice $22.40 gain in 3 hours. Pops me over the $800 mark (yay finally!! it was taking forever!!!)
Brian said:
Suffering from a dose of Ramjet Syndrome (wanting to detect, cant be bothered driving more than a few minutes) I hit the park I turned my nose up at two days ago for a nice $22.40 gain in 3 hours. Pops me over the $800 mark (yay finally!! it was taking forever!!!)

OI! Don't bring me into it. :D
Amachris said:
$800+ in 3 months your killing it
Impressive effort!!

ummm.. 2 months.. in 10 days (24th) :)

Went back to Ramjet Syndrome park. found a few coins but I expected I had done the best half from the park layout.. As the night was getting on i thought I'd try a sport field that I had tried before and found nothing. I knew there should be something there, and better skilled now..

Ended up with $14.30 for the night, not a great deal of cash but I'm pretty pleased with the improvement from my previous effort of zero $.

The other thing I'm noticing is I'm getting more cent coins nowadays - not sure if its the parks I hit have different coins in them or if I'm tuned in better. The past week of prospecting 3 parks I 've more cent coins than goldies. big change from 90% $2. Its a shame you have to find so many of them for it to add up.

no pictures, my phones in for repairs still.
Ramjet Syndrome? so your finding hundreds of florins, but have no idea what a gold ring looks like? lol
No, I don't have any florins. or gold rings. I was just too lazy to drive somewhere worthwhile.

My wife hid my wedding ring, I cant even find that. She's like "wheres your wedding ring why aren't you wearing it."
Ramjet said:
rocketaroo said:
Ramjet Syndrome? so your finding hundreds of florins, but have no idea what a gold ring looks like? lol

I feel a ban coming on :mad: :D ;) :p

this "Ramjet Syndrome" is quite complicated isn't it.

Drivings a problem.. tone deaf to gold.. anger issues..

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