705 finds

Prospecting Australia

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Well it was a long and protracted battle.. the ice cold wind freezing all in its path and the park was not going to let go its last treasures easily. Signs of enemy activities were observed, with a couple of ridiculously big plugs about 10" round in size and 6" deep - both with the junk still in them. So I am not the first to have detected this park. Anyway.. I swung furiously, re-covered some of the more productive areas and finally at 1:30am I thought I have enough coin to call it quits and hit my $300 target.. turns out I had $38.70 and $0.20 euro.

Unusuals.. Another cone shaped device, another key, some tubes of metal and a little locket that I doubt is of any value.


planning my next campaign.
Might have been gold gilded at one stage judging by the inside of the locket, the front looks to be copper from the pics. :)
nice finds. your putting in the effort it shows. a big congratulations on your finds and hobby
Went back to finish another park I started a while ago, wasn't convinced there was enough traffic to make it worthwhile.
Fortunately, there was another dog sacrifice and all was good.. found a lighter thought maybe it might be silver but nope.


$39.10 all up.


we did a count last night.. $623 in goldies + $30 I took as spending money, another $50 in "silver" spendable (I really hate calling it silver)

so $739.00 ish so far..
$50.00 in cents we could all probably follow from this day forth,... maybe written easy as $50c. :/ ,....what do ya recon ? :|
About 7 weeks. But i was faffing about at first.
I think calling the sub dollar stuff cent coins sounds good.
Yeah i feel im getting too expectant with the results but they keep coming. Was kinda annoyed at all the 20c pieces last night but i use the cent coins for batteries. its very satisfying feeding the coles self serve a stack of rusty crap - so many times they have tricked me with crap that wasnt quite right.
Rocket and I have experienced a similar thing. We mainly target the pre decimals and we have had a few really nice honey holes. One small park Rocket found, I have taken 144 coins from over several visits. I have a couple of days of 50 and 60+ coins. Then we have a day of under 20 coins and feel we've had a bad day.
Wife insisted I try a sports park across the road from where we used to live.

ground was full of potash or whatever it is, detector sounding off but nothing there.. I managed to pull $9.50 out of the ground.

Went for a quick drive around looking for next park after some googling.

What looks good from the sky doesn't always equate. first target looked crappy on approach, went to next target.

about an hour of detectoring $13.40 and a bird sacrifice. lots of trees I should be able to get back in the action with this park. :) :)
a small amount of potash but nothing too bad..

I have hit every park in my my area. heaps of junk and about $40 so for .. Very few sports fields and few places were large crowds gather or places where people picnick. I will have go further afield which meens a 20-40 minute drive ..with my Cheap MD im not confident its worth the effort,
I have scoped out some old churches a masonic hall and some primary schools established in the late 1870s with churces located next door. Might try them and see what I can find. But the way things are many have high fences so I will have to do a covert penetration at nigh so as not to draw attention to my activities .

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