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Prospecting Australia

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Brian said:
nucopia said:
Damn brian im so jealous. In my area there are not many parks and what there is are recent developments ..so slim pickings

but that whole swansea to warners bay around to toronto area is at least 40 years old?? surely there's something? :)

gday Brian
im working my way out from home, hitting the parks near my house first. Two in Bonnells Bay resulted in a 50c piece and lots of junk.
Last week at Morisset in the park behind the school, I had a quick 30 minute swing while the wife was shopping and found 2 x 1$ coins and a bit of junk.
I also tried the soccar grounds across from the Country club last Sunday night and found heaps of bottle caps and ring pulls but no coins ..
The park is across from the Mc Do's as well, so had a visit from the local area senior sargent who came over and asked Hey mate what you doing there ?
Seems he was attraced to the loud beeping noise the detector made every time I found what I hoped was treasure and turned out to be more small metal throw aways ..I just wish people would use the garbage bins provided and drop more coins :D
His reaction was ..Oh ok just be careful doing that behind buildings in the dark and whats that in your hand ? A small garden trowl I say, holding it up.. Oh ok he says have you found anything ? Yep heaps of junk. Which he laughs at and walks back to Maca's to stand with a few of his colleagues eating burgers. Must have been their meal break..

i was thinking about driving over to Rathmines today and having a swing but my son took my car to Uni this morning( no gas in his ) along with my detector and digging sticks
Which is why I bought a detector in the first place .. to get out of the house , get a bit of exercise and have some fun playing treasure hunter :p
yeah we used to go to Rathmines about 40 years ago when it was pretty much scrub. could be some stuff there with that old concrete jetty and whatever.


looks pretty flat across from mcdonalds where would people be sitting? I'd check both sides of the soccer fields but only stop for 30/32 on the dial. about a meter in from the edge of the playing area where maybe they are jumping up n down. ignore any other number. and if it bumps to 34 ignore it. sensitivity down to 15.

I think you got population problems (lack of population) so you'll have to be looking for other than monies...
gday Brian
Yeah thats what I try and do, hit the logical places where people might gather etc
Problem is I have an el cheapo eBay detector, but in saying that, it wil pick metal object even something down 6-8 inches . I hit in a 6mm round bar driven into the ground the other night and covered by about 6 inches of dirt.
For me its a starter stick I could afford and have a bit of fun learning with.
As you can see by the pics I only have limited dials and have to work off sound low beep small or deep load beep big or shallow target.


I had thought about hitting the show grounds too, but last week when I drove there, they had a few people camping there as they often have horse events on weekends.
Still im frustrated and detirmined at the same time to keep getting out and seeing the results from different places.
Every day is an adventure ! :)
I use google earth a lot for looking for potential honey holes, there is a historical imagery function in the view section, if you're lucky the satellite would have taken a pic on a Saturday sports day and you can see where the people mainly congregate. I like any little hills or elevated spots at sportsfields, people always sit on spots like that. One raised area I did a few weeks back had $110 on it and that was all dropped this year as I got around the same amount from it the year before. :D

Ovals where markets or fetes are held are prime hunting areas as are places where music festivals and circuses are held, showgrounds are good too. Under trees are great as everyone likes to sit in the shade. Sidelines of sportsfields are good but contain a lot of pulltabs and screw caps. Old ovals which were there before 1966 are prime hunting grounds for pre dec coins.

Most ovals I've dfone will have areas where a lot of coins and rings and pre dec are concentrated in the same area, go to the other side and there is just nothing, that's happened to me plenty of times. I start off doing diagonal searches across ovals and parks too until I hit a sweet spot.
Brian said:
Ramjet said:
Goldie magnet I don't think I've ever found $20 in one day.

I come home with $22 and the wife is like "oh is that all? I thought there'd be more"

I have to admit that I get a bit annoyed if I haven't found any goldies in like 1/2 hr... I've concluded there's money almost everywhere, just have to walk in the right spots.

and yeah I'm considering an upgrade.. the ctx 3030 weight scares me a bit, but I'd like to go in the surf perhaps.


It's not that heavy, I've been out with mine every day this week and it's not bothering me. What's bothering me is my honey holes are running dry, I need greener pastures. :D
I tried a park after the circus but it was junk city and the ground was hard as rock.
TheSilentBugler said:
Heatho said:
I use google earth a lot for looking for potential honey holes, there is a historical imagery function in the view section

never seen that, where is it?

Top left of the google earth screen where it says "view", click on view and look down the menu, click on historical imagery and it will load a little slider thingy to the top left of GE and will have every snapshot of the area that has been taken by the satellite. If you look down the bottom of the page too there is a date for the imagery, you can click on that too and it will do the same.

Enjoy. :D It's a great feature.
Brian said:
yeah we used to go to Rathmines about 40 years ago when it was pretty much scrub. could be some stuff there with that old concrete jetty and whatever.


looks pretty flat across from mcdonalds where would people be sitting? I'd check both sides of the soccer fields but only stop for 30/32 on the dial. about a meter in from the edge of the playing area where maybe they are jumping up n down. ignore any other number. and if it bumps to 34 ignore it. sensitivity down to 15.

I think you got population problems (lack of population) so you'll have to be looking for other than monies...
I get gold coins on 32 and 34 with my 705 Gold
wow I've been ignoring 34's as bottle tops. 8.( how many hundreds of dollars have I missed??? I'll have to redo everything 8.( 8.( 8.( 8.(

last night another $31 in goldies and $1.10 in 20c 10c

two rings I've found in this park. not sure of the cross hatched on, may be gold. the inside is coated in grime so cant read any stampings.

If you discriminate out trash, you discriminate out treasure.
I know we have different detectors but they work on the same principal. On the At pro a 53 can be a pull tab, 10 cents or a gold ring. 61-63 is old school ring pulls or 20 cents. $1 and $2 coins are in the 76-78 range, half pennies and pennies from 76-81 or higher. Guess where bottle caps ring up....76-81. 8.( 8.(

If ya want to dig treasure, you must dig trash.
Brian said:
wow I've been ignoring 34's as bottle tops. 8.( how many hundreds of dollars have I missed??? I'll have to redo everything 8.( 8.( 8.( 8.(

last night another $31 in goldies and $1.10 in 20c 10c

two rings I've found in this park. not sure of the cross hatched on, may be gold. the inside is coated in grime so cant read any stampings.

My best was my 3rd park shoot (was a footy field) $27 in goldies in under the hour but nothing after that for the rest of the arvo.
At that time I only dug 32's and 34's as I was doing so well I didn't bother stopping for less.
Might go back there soon for the 20c and 50c I left lol

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