That was pretty to watch mate and I love the windometer. Well done.
Moneybox said:Too many distractions and not enough time but we eventually got out onto the lease.
It's not perfect, perhaps it never will be but the main problem I had when first testing was the classifier blocking up. That didn't happen at all. This dirt is completely different with very little stones and lots of fine dust. It seems harder to push so I had more problems with the serpentine belt slipping. I had originally planned to have a toothed timing belt but at the time I couldn't find a suitable supplier. The ideal fix would to run a short toothed belt from the engine to the diff where most of the work is done then use the serpentine belt to do bellows and the long drive up to the wobble shaft. Right now I'm going to try to fix what I've got by rearranging the location of the idler and tension pulleys.
davent said:Just watched it on you tube, looks great Phil! It works bloody well !
Jaros said:Maybe set it up on a swivelling base-if possible?
silver said:Lookin great Mb (what was your first weigh in ?
Dusty bugga too hey.... should you have a remote kill switch for safety, just incase you need to shut it down in an emergency and the dust makes it hard to see if your reaching into the right spot.
Sandta said:Thats impressive :Y:
Always a great feeling to achieve what you set out to do especially amidst the unknown
....and starting from scratch ... with your own hands ... a very proud moment indeed
Congrats :clap:
Im wondering about the spoil from the classifier , could become a problem in more ways than one
Is there going to be another conveyour to take that away ?
Or just scoop it up with the loader?
Be careful not to scoop up the edge of the unit ...![]()
The geezer said:Really enjoy these posts. It looks like a lot of hard work about to bear fruit. Could you go to wider or twin pulleys with more belt contact like my old 3 phase compressor runs.
Goldfreak said:Maybe not appropriate for you but just a thought Moneybox.
Muk said:Looks good moneybox your mesh classifier might be better if it was straight grizzly bars you dirt may slide off better I know its a lot of work to make a grizzly set up with the gaps you require but worth a thought cheers all the best Muk.
Sorry I didn't think it was crushing it. I thought it was just screening it? Anyway thought it might be an alternative to a trommel and conveyor.Moneybox said:Goldfreak said:Maybe not appropriate for you but just a thought Moneybox.
Yes this would solve some problems. Then of course we have to consider the cost vs return. If crushing produces just a few more grams than we're better off pushing that stuff aside and processing what will pass through the screens.
Goldfreak said:Sorry I didn't think it was crushing it. I thought it was just screening it? Anyway thought it might be an alternative to a trommel and conveyor.Moneybox said:Goldfreak said:Maybe not appropriate for you but just a thought Moneybox.
Yes this would solve some problems. Then of course we have to consider the cost vs return. If crushing produces just a few more grams than we're better off pushing that stuff aside and processing what will pass through the screens.
silver said:One of these Mb
Rotating screen, but with a two way conveyor system
I like how tyers are used for rotary purposes
You could just set it up nearby to use it.... doesn't have to pour into it(your current machine) . Longer it is the more it would break up the dirt though