2016 hunts

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Jan 12, 2014
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Well 2015 flew by and I toyed with the idea of putting my 2015 hunts together in a thread but honestly I'm not sure where a great deal of them came out and I cashed in around August including all the jewelry so it would be a pic heavy topic with not much info.
I broke the $1000 mark deep in the year but barely detected the last 3 months. All in all a good year out and got closer to understanding how the Fisher works. I dug a heap more junk and surprise surprise the variety and value went north. I think there's a lesson in that.
So to kick it off I put in a couple quick stints prior to this afternoon for a few dollars but picked up a new 9v and a set of AA battery's which put me in the red. So today I truly opened the account.
Other than a church which turned up a 36 penny late last night hunting the high tones just the single penny today on the pre decs. I'm sure there's some odd silvers out there but I've targeted all the spots in easy distance from home that are likely.
Today's hunt was a new playground which turned up 2 Indonesian coins at the bottom, and later at a sporting club for the silver ring and the rest of the spendable.
The bottom penny just above the foreign coins was a jumpy shallow one in hard hard ground and as a result I nicked it.
Was hunting by id only, the place is so junky I've avoided it until now. Ran the big coil and only got caught a couple times on the screw caps. Storm rolled in so I left before dark. A year ago I would have struggled to hunt by id but I feel the detecting skill has reached a level that I understand what's under the coil and what the machine is telling me. Quick recovery on a machine is invaluable and I reckon the Fisher is underrated in wider circles, it just takes patience and practice to tame the beast but its accuracy and depth is right up there

Happy with that considering it was a pure coin shoot
Like you Gt,.. I went a bit slack towards the end, spent the money as I found it,.. 2015 might not have been my best year, but it was still a great year,.... the only reason I still have a few silvers is that you can't get true value for them down at the corner store(not to mention I like to hold them longingly sometimes and get in a good sniff). :D
I learned to trust the Ace250s custom coin setting in conjunction with my speed scanning techniques to come up with more small (and some large) silvers in spots I thought I'd flogged previously,.. proving yet again that no one gets them all (even me). ;) :D
I just run all metal and keep an eye on the depth and tone. I hunt everything out eventually where I pull any decent pre decs using a grid and try to finish on an overcast day after rain it's amazing how deep you can pull a coin out with conductivity on your side. I must say silver your advice is top of mind when I go out and I must admit I still get a real buzz when I pick up any coin outside the normal areas. I would guess at least 10% of my finds come from irregular places. I'll never get over all the territory in front of me.
I like the damp ground too,... as it's nice soft digging, and I'm getting a bit fussy sometimes as I like the salt washed out of my beach sand too,... and then only after prolonged nice weather that's had that lovely dry clean sand in the top zone (ha). :D
Just back from a hunt from an old railway station.
Highlights were rising sun badge and 1911 coronation medal.
Now thanks to an over zealous dhead it looks like I won't be going back anytime soon.
I thought for sure it was going to end badly. I wonder when the last time was that vic rail prosecuted someone for entering their land? The bloke probably had a point but about 10 beers in it was an aggressive one. Threats of cops being called and general carry on don't go down too well. In this case I reluctantly left before things turned ugly, but not before stating I was quite prepared to have them attend, they usually won't involve themselves on such petty nonsense. I did note however his reluctance to come with me to the station on the grounds he had been consuming alcohol, haha good enough to start abuse though.

Anyway I'm tempted to go back just to stir him and his high horse up, I feel there's still some good finds still left in the ground despite a dozen hunts (maybe 20 hours) on this site. I'm narrowing down the most likely spots and thinning g out the good finds.
Bet if you go back in the morning he wont be there, certainly not before 12pm after 10 beers + what he had after he'd finished with you ;), probably be a totally different person when sober and would hide when you went to say G'day ;)
I'm pretty sure he had zero interest in what I was doing and much more concerned about what I might be up to, meaning he pretty much thought I was casing the surrounding rural properties. He just went on about oh there's nothing but nails and tin. There's only my spots I've dug. Dunno, just a bloody pest, silly really we could have just talked about it and no harm done, in the end he got what he wanted which was me to move on. First the grass nazis now this bloke. I chose there because it's too dry to go anywhere else within a half hour drive. I didn't want to go upsetting the bloke by telling him I know half the district not to mention the local officer. I might find out who he is before I go back. I'm going to have trouble letting this go. In fact I might even get on the front foot and go to the station before I head out and hopefully get the local bloke who runs the museum to come with.
last year we only had 2 people demand that we move on. Neither of these people had any authority, so exchanged some words, and that was it. Couple of others, have asked wether we were allowed to detect, but they didnt need to get narky. You prob struck a nutter, or a somebody with a bee in his bonnet, no way to reason with those types, say your peace/keep going, or move-on, your call :) Its never a good feeling though, they make you feeling like a criminal.
Goldtarget - your smack on the head about going to the station first I recon. At least if you state that you feel something might happen, its at least a report of something in case the bloke does bother you again.
I agree, no harm dropping into the local station for a quick chat, they would know all the local identities and might be able to give an indication of wether he is made of hot air or something more disturbing.

Regardless, to be able to talk about the local cop by name is another tool in a detectorist's belt; tends to make people walk away for some reason, almost like an allergic reaction of some sort.

I'm sure you will be back, it has been a good site and the lure of treasure is great.
Maybe he likes it nice and quiet near his place,... so no one knows he's growing pot. OR,...
He might turn out to be a friendly wealth of information when he's sober.
Might depend on how you perceive him and how that comes across next time you meet up with him ,... go in thinking he's gunna be helpful to you next time, and most likely that is what your outcome will be ,.. or ,... go in thinking he's gunna be an obnoxious turd, and that's what he will be ,... we give out different signals dependent on our forthought that help precontroll an upcoming situation,..... think happy thoughts philosophy. :)

This week's goldies. Bit of a disappointing run this week, little time and nothing of note. All of these were masked signals in old spots, not to mention all the screw caps that I dug to have these. See if I can get amongst it this weekend, had some rain and have some new spots in mind to give a try.

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