Very nice mate.
At Creswick i run on setting 4 and about 3 lights and at Amherst i run on 5 and 3 lights mate. Running at Creswick on number 5 is far too noisy and there's more hot rocks i reckon, but that's only my view, not saying others should do that. I went out to Creswick mid this week for the first time in about a month mate and got a couple of pieces, and today was my second trip in about a month. Bloody hard getting used to the noise again and i couldn't even do a full day i'm that out of detecting shape. :lol:Bacchus said:Great job Scrounger , your ears must be well tuned to that machine mate for interests sake what setting were you able to run ?
Anybody can find big nuggets Wal if you swing over them. It's a lot harder and takes more skill to ping those tiny suckers :lol: :lol: That should fire a few up :lol: Anyway, well done mateWally69 said:Just got home from Hill End, gave the back muscles a good workout on the Fuggets with the 4500 and SDC.
Failed to find a new patch, so set the vacuum cleaner to work and bagged a respectable number. 10 nugglets and 11 specimens. (photo to come)
.........and I think they are getting even smaller.