⭐ Gold Detecting Show'n Tell

Prospecting Australia

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Found with minelab sd2200d

1.9 gram and .9 gram :D
Good start in the hobby Pickocore..... reading your other thread about the area ya found em....sweeeeettt. Keep that one under your hat, and spend time before leaving to make the area look untouched....I DO ENVY YOU.... :p :cool:

Would love to see what a newer unit on there produces as well, and you may just do well enough to upgrade to a GPX (minimum) for as low as about $2,500 for a 4000 (4500 or 5000 even better) (used $$$ prices quoted)....
Thanks G0lddigg@. But it's the thrill of the chase. And I don't discriminate against my gold 'cause it's small. I love them all equally. Besides, I earned that little piece from the millions of kilometres I've walked in the search for gold. I do have lottsa bigger ones though. Ahh.. Its hard being a prospector.
I upgraded to a GPZ7000. But it seems to find the most miniature bits which frustrates you 'cause you cant leave them. And I still don't know if it's any better than my GP extreme which was the workhorse of my detecting for many years. I did find a 2.5 grammer the first time I used it in a spot I'm sure I walked over. But you wouldn't know. Five centimetres to the left and I might have hit it. Who knows.
I paid so much for the thing I have to love it.
:eek: Gorilla Gold - at least I have stopped seeing rabbits ;)

You could have auctioned that one off in 2009 at a huge premium Bushpig as it was the Year of the Gorrilla. Would probably get a good premium on eBay for it now. :D


Went back out to Amherst for the first time in ages and got these with the sdc. The terrain out there is so much easier to detect than around Creswick where i've been concentrating since the Ballarat Bash. Also got one large piece of quartz with some visible gold but it was too big to get into the picture. A great day detecting in beautiful weather.