My father traveled the country after he retired collecting all kinds of gem and gold,he brought old saw and facet machine,(he has some nice cut stones)he learned himself and we cut the little party together,then cut the garnet myself(took me a couple of days from cut,wax on dob facet ,dob the bottom end facet and polish.I can't believe the Thai cut the stones so cheap,my two attempts at faceting took about 30hrs :/ I will try to post more pics gold689 ,not that good with the camera,found that stone at an old diamond mine at a place called two mile flat near gulgong nsw ,researched this area and tried many times this stone and a couple of specs of gold is all I got,from private land.Never tested but under a loop it puts scratches in bomb sapphire,can't scratch with my topaz or similar nice pieces of quartz .I know some old people that tell me history of this area ,and are keen to see what I can find over a yarn and a cuppa .