Nice haul! Decent bits in there! Well donejamiealdridge said:About 6.5 hours digging in a new spot
jamiealdridge said:
7 buckets through the sluice in another new spot. Few little pickers in there.
Ive had plenty of those empty pans you speak of dave79. The last one i had two nano dots of yella in was a few weeks ago now. So there is no risk of me making a fortune.Dave79 said:Hippy prospecting, I've seen dozens of pans worse than that....... Ok, empty, since I've been test panning creeks in my new area. That's why they call it prospecting not going down the creek to grab some nuggets! Every bit adds up and it's not about making a fortune anyway.
Mick Cov said:Thats not a bad pan HP,would definitely be investigating further. :Y: