I understand your concerns regarding the decision to cease the issue of Fossicking Permits for Crown reserves that are directly managed by Crown Lands in the Upper Peel River area between Nundle and Chaffey Dam. This decision was made after consultation with other NSW Government Agencies, including Local Land Services and the NSW Resources Regulator after complaints regarding illegal mining activities in the area and evidence of damage to riverbanks and waterways.
I have attached a diagram that shows the location of the two Crown reserves that are directly managed by Crown Lands (shown in blue shading) – the majority of the remaining reserves are managed by Local Land Services (shown in red shading), with Tamworth Regional Council managing the Swamp Creek Camping Reserve (shown in purple).
Local Land Services have confirmed that fossicking is not permitted on travelling stock reserves.
It is unfortunate that some fossicking activities have been undertaken outside of the requirements of the NSW Fossicking Guidelines. This has led to areas of environmental degradation along the riverbanks, in an area that is environmentally sensitive and home to critically endangered species, including the Booroolong Frog. As a result, the Upper Peel River area can no longer sustain even low impact fossicking activity.
Crown Lands is working with the other relevant agencies to erect signage in the area to advise the public that fossicking is not permissible. Whilst passive recreation and enjoyment of the area is encouraged, the two reserves that are directly managed by Crown Lands are no longer considered suitable for the issue of fossicking permits.
In response to concerns about the impact on tourism, Crown Lands will work with Tamworth Regional Council in identifying suitable alternative locations for fossicking in the Nundle/Hanging Rock area and ensuring that up to date information is available at their tourism outlets.
If you are aware of other locations of interest, please contact the Tamworth Crown Lands office directly and we will be able to provide further advice.