Well I headed back to Nundle as it is one of the closest places near me to fossick for gems and strike it rich on all that gold
We stayed at the Nundle Caravan park again in their cabins and I have to say it is still one of the best caravan parks I've stayed at the people where friendly and the atmosphere great.
Dinner was at the pub on both nights where the beer was cold
and food terrific, always a bonus when the wife and kids come away happy after eating. I was just happy with the ice cold beer.
I headed back to the Hanging Rock area on the first day as a mate had come along as well and wanted to see the crystals and see if he could find any. My wife and kids also wanted more so I stopped there for about 4 hours on the first day playing in the dirt. We found some more nice pieces but didn't find any great big perfectly clear ones that I have heard of, we did find lots of little clear ones and some nice shaped half clear ones as well. Everyone had fun so either way it was a win in my book.
I still have some to clean up and a small bucket of other bits to look at but this is the best of the lot.
After lunch on day one we headed into Nundle state forest I must admit it was dam impressive, I loved the little creeks and streams and the pine trees that were every where. We started panning in the early afternoon down just past a fork in two streams I only found a couple of very small flakes after a few hours of work but the scenery and relaxing made up for not finding the gold, well I would have liked the gold to.
So back down the mountain we went in the afternoon for a beer and dinner and to try a new spot in the morning.
The next day we headed to another spot in the Nundle state forest a couple of fly specs after a couple of hours but nothing that I would write home about. I know I can pan fairly well I might be slow but I can always get it down to black sand and fly specs of gold but I'm not hitting the right spot when I'm looking to find the gold line in the dirt, but as they say knowledge and experience will get you results in the end I just need to learn and be patient.
So we had lunch sitting by the stream again you can't beat those views and the piece and quite.
After lunch we headed back to the Peel River to try and see if we could find that hidden gold reef my mate and myself go a few small flakes from one spot just as the afternoon was wearing on and we had to back up for the two hour drive home.
I should be heading back soon to try some more spots and gain more experience I do want to get out to other spots other than Nundle but for now its close to home and I can practise and see what I can find.
As always any tips or advice I would welcome as I am very new at this.
We stayed at the Nundle Caravan park again in their cabins and I have to say it is still one of the best caravan parks I've stayed at the people where friendly and the atmosphere great.
Dinner was at the pub on both nights where the beer was cold
I headed back to the Hanging Rock area on the first day as a mate had come along as well and wanted to see the crystals and see if he could find any. My wife and kids also wanted more so I stopped there for about 4 hours on the first day playing in the dirt. We found some more nice pieces but didn't find any great big perfectly clear ones that I have heard of, we did find lots of little clear ones and some nice shaped half clear ones as well. Everyone had fun so either way it was a win in my book.
I still have some to clean up and a small bucket of other bits to look at but this is the best of the lot.

After lunch on day one we headed into Nundle state forest I must admit it was dam impressive, I loved the little creeks and streams and the pine trees that were every where. We started panning in the early afternoon down just past a fork in two streams I only found a couple of very small flakes after a few hours of work but the scenery and relaxing made up for not finding the gold, well I would have liked the gold to.
So back down the mountain we went in the afternoon for a beer and dinner and to try a new spot in the morning.
The next day we headed to another spot in the Nundle state forest a couple of fly specs after a couple of hours but nothing that I would write home about. I know I can pan fairly well I might be slow but I can always get it down to black sand and fly specs of gold but I'm not hitting the right spot when I'm looking to find the gold line in the dirt, but as they say knowledge and experience will get you results in the end I just need to learn and be patient.
So we had lunch sitting by the stream again you can't beat those views and the piece and quite.
After lunch we headed back to the Peel River to try and see if we could find that hidden gold reef my mate and myself go a few small flakes from one spot just as the afternoon was wearing on and we had to back up for the two hour drive home.
I should be heading back soon to try some more spots and gain more experience I do want to get out to other spots other than Nundle but for now its close to home and I can practise and see what I can find.
As always any tips or advice I would welcome as I am very new at this.