Whinge of the day thread...

Prospecting Australia

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No wind or rain here just bloody hot. Yesterday, last day of Winter, 35C and today 24C for the first day of Spring. I hope this isn't an indication of Summer. Mackka
`i` know what you mean mate. Bindy Eyes seem very abundant around here and early in the season suggesting a Filthy Hot Summer ahead.
Emu Export 30 cans for $62 bucks best drop i`ve ever had from Swan Brewery`s but it is an Export. Having a few today & it`s Fathers Day. Cheers...


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Aldi Supermarket $1.89 for Stonemill Iodised Sea Salt 750g made in South Africa in a Saxa design salt container.
Saxa Australian product $4.50 at Woolworths.
Aldi also supplying Chinese salt but no Australian salt on the shelves.
Oil`s ain`t Oils folks but at that price even Dicky Smith is supplying Overseas Products to Au.
If we keep sending Au money to OS markets there`ll be less and less pool of dollars circulating in this Country.
The standard of Australian Living is plummeting and our fees keep going up and up as a result deflating our dollar.
Eventually there`ll be No Water in Our Pool to Swim in & we`ll be Shafted by Overseas product fees at ones / their disposal.
Now that is Salt on the Wound.
A serious dilemma unfolding ....
How Oz got conned into opening up to unrestricted foreign imports defies logic. How could our Aussie producers compete with stuff made overseas on slave labour pay rates? Unless our govt wakes up and protects our industies we will continue to decline until we are at the same level as all the third world countries. Back in the day the wife stayed home and looked after the household and the children while the husband worked. That was manageable although the homes were not palatial as they are today. Come to the present day and now with both husband and wife workng it is difficult to survive.
I got a letter from my former bank the other day which included a cheque, and the letter read,"We are making a payment of $102.91 to you for fees we incorrectly charged your account. The fees Incorrectly charged amounted to $100.00. We have included a benefit payment of $2.91 to compensate you for the fees we incorrectly charged you." I haven't had an account with them for about 15 years and I'm pretty sure I would have made more than $2.91 from that hundred bucks if I'd have had it in my little hot hands.🤲
So many opinions about so many things.
Us mortals are made to feel humbled by the opinions of our educated and PHD'd intelligentia.
We get it every day on our TVs and other media.
Saw this recently and maybe our intellectual elites should also view it to keep their egos into perspective.

I attended a pre Uni Course some years back.
Part of the criteria in the assignments was you were not allowed to present anything of your own thoughts.
Any suggestions without referencing it from a verified source was disregarded.
In other words No PHD or Masters Degree ``what you have to say it irrelevant.
That is where Common Sense gets thrown out the door.☝️
An update on the letter I received from my former bank advising that they overcharged me $100, 15 years or more ago, I rang the contact number on the letter and spoke to a remeadiation person and told her "I'm not accepting your insulting offer of $2.91 as compensation, but I'll accept $10 as compensation" she told me she would speak to her supervisor and call me back, she failed to do so, I called again 2 days later and I got the same response from another one of thier team, who also failed to call me back, so I called the ACCC and told them the story, they told me to only communicate with the bank by email and to tell them that I am withdrawing my offer and to offer to settle the matter for whatever I thought was fair, and if they failed to accept my settlement offer that I will make a complaint against them to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, well it took them all of about 30 minutes before the head of thier remeditation department called and agreed to make a compensation payment of $50, which I thought was fair for both parties. Just goes to show that perseverance sometimes pays off.
Hey Dave, i just had a bitof a calculation on ya $100 and i think ( thats a problem) you should have hit them a bit harder. $100 with no further deposits for 15 years at 5% compound would give you another $111 i.e. making it $211. But, your happy with the outcome and to methats all that matters. Well done.
Miracles will never cease, after the recent correspondence from my former bank telling me that they robbed me years ago, I received an email yesterday from my current insurance company, telling me that they've also been robbing me for years, I've been with them since God knows when, and low and behold, they've been robbing me for years as well, and they advised me that they need my bank account details so they can refund the $580 they claim that they owe me. Miss Kay said "be thankful that they're giving you something back" But that's not the point, as consumers we're getting stiffed from all corners, and it's not the little guy running a small business that's shafting us, it's big business, and it's why the majority of people are struggling to keep their heads above water, and the way our country is being run it will only get worse, the rich will keep getting a lot richer and the poor will keep getting a lot poorer, and I consider myself lucky because I don't consider myself poor, but I'm definitely not rich in a monetary sense and I never will be.
It is a Conspiracy ... ;) word has it on the street.

Who are they.
Black Rock.

What are their plans.
Global Control.

Who pays for their capital gain game plans.
The working class with middle class assets .
The middle class with upper class assets.

Are we getting screwed..
The Writing is on the Wall.
but it`s just a Theory & i cannot Laugh out Loud..


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Majority of people i know have gone into deficit since the start of Covid 2020 but not this group.
Would not we all like to have had shares with these guys but really are they ethical.
I`m not going to say anymore on the subject as The Australian Black Rock CEO may get agitated.


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Miracles will never cease, after the recent correspondence from my former bank telling me that they robbed me years ago, I received an email yesterday from my current insurance company, telling me that they've also been robbing me for years, I've been with them since God knows when, and low and behold, they've been robbing me for years as well, and they advised me that they need my bank account details so they can refund the $580 they claim that they owe me. Miss Kay said "be thankful that they're giving you something back" But that's not the point, as consumers we're getting stiffed from all corners, and it's not the little guy running a small business that's shafting us, it's big business, and it's why the majority of people are struggling to keep their heads above water, and the way our country is being run it will only get worse, the rich will keep getting a lot richer and the poor will keep getting a lot poorer, and I consider myself lucky because I don't consider myself poor, but I'm definitely not rich in a monetary sense and I never will be.

This sounds like a great opportunity for the scammers to get your bank details. I have an account with a very small amount of money in it that I use for this type of transaction. If I get scammed expecting a refund hopefully they won't get much.
When I first read the email that's exactly what I thought Phil, probably Scammers, so I rang my insurance company and they said "We're reimbursing some of our customers who we have identified as not receiving their full discounts" I don't know how long it's been going on for but they're giving me nearly $600.