Headed north today for another run over a very old location that nearly always produces quality finds, though you really have to work your butt off to locate them.
Also took out the GoPro to document some of the finds, though yet to download anything, and quite frankly am not even sure if I filmed the top of my hat, or the actual finds.

I was intending to use the chest mount, though had to use the head mount due to not having the correct connection with me. Will post later if all ok.
I was very fortunate that a grader had put in a deep cut next to the rebuilt access track, hence the area that used to be covered by road spoil was now completely exposed after not having a detector over it in many years, if ever.
First target was what appeared to be an extremely worn sixpence, and upon a clean up back at home, I was ecstatic to find it was a George III sixpence, with his head clearly visible on the obverse. These coins were issued between 1816-1820, this appears to be from 1816, can just barely make out the six under the bust.
The grader cut was so deep that the next three coins were either near surface, or in the case of the 1885 hp, was sitting on the surface - talk about dream detecting! Two more sixpences were found, both from 1881 and 1873. I left the soil attached to the obverse of the 1881 6p due to the excellent condition of the exposed face, and did a reveal at home to see what condition it was in. As you can see from the pics, it looks like it was dropped in near new condition.
Other target were the usual mix of lead, buckle, lead nail heads, small button, and a couple of musket balls?/projectile.
I think the council grader needs to do some more clearing in future.
George III 6p