A good pre-set program to give a go in iron is "Deus Fast", which uses faster recovery speeds than the "GM Power" program. If you get too much feedback from the iron, try upping the standard discrimination setting from 6.8 to 10. Also note that the higher the reactivity setting (faster recovery speeds), the less depth you will get, so it is a bit of a balancing act between the correct reactivity, frequency and sensitivity settings. The stock reactivity setting on this program is "3", and should be suitable to start off with.
Ensure when you turn the detector that it is extended at waist height above the ground, and away from metal objects. It will be ready to detect once the large flashing LED on the coil has ceased, and you only get a flash every few seconds from the smaller LED, then ground balance.
Use manual ground balancing or pumping mode to balance the detector on clean ground vs tracking where there is a lot of junk. Ensure that the ground balance numbers are close to if not the same as the ground phase numbers (both displayed on right side of screen), and adjust as necessary whilst detecting. Use the +/- button to increase or decrease the manual GB figures to match, or select pumping and GB.
You should really only need to use a minimum of discrimination (iron disc), and let the Deus's fast recovery speeds to pick out the high tone conductors from amongst the junk. If you get targets reading in the very high 90's, you may find that some of the rusty iron is starting to "bleed" through. These tones will generally be loud & forced, and the signal tends to break up and be non-repeatable vs quieter mellow and repeatable coin tones, hence can be ignored. Try to go reasonable slow if littered with iron, this will ensure that you pick up on what may be just high tone squeaks from the deeper coins, especially small silvers. Swing fast and you will miss good targets, simple as that.
If you want more or less than 3 tones, which is the normal setting for Deus Fast, scroll down to "Disc" and select "Expert". Here you will see 2, 3, 4, 5 tones, or fulltones and a couple of other options. Personally I use Fulltones for the amount of target info it carries, though you may find it a bit too much to take in initially - up to you what suits.
You can drop down the frequency to 11.7kHz to improve the response to the high conductor coins if you find 17.8kHz isn't defining them enough, achieving enough depth, or if you want to recheck a particular target. Do note that if you drop the frequency, the ID numbers also drop in value unless you utilise the "ID Norm" function. This can be accessed under "Options" - "Configuration" - "Profile" - then select and turn on "ID Norm".
In reality every site may require a different program or series of settings to suit, just a matter of having a play around on the day to see what works best.