Ded Driver said:
Goldierocks, ur killin me with logic, in a world that doesn't seem to want to follow. Im getting another beer :beer: :beer:

[and just quietly, its Sunday night mate, & palaeoanthropology is a big word to digest]
Paleoanthropologyorpaleo-anthropologyis a branch ofarchaeologywith a human focus, which seeks to understand the early development ofanatomically modern humans, a process known ashominization, through the reconstruction of evolutionarykinshiplines within the familyHominidae, working from biological evidence (such aspetrifiedskeletal remains,bone fragments, footprints) and cultural evidence (such asstone tools, artifacts, and settlement localities).[1][2]
The field draws from and combinespaleontology,biological anthropology, andcultural anthropology. As technologies and methods advance,geneticsplays an ever-increasing role, in particular to examine and compare DNA structure as a vital tool of research of the evolutionary kinship lines of related species and genera.