my last answer to a vegetarian/vegan who tried to give me a guilt complex (& failed)
"My ancestors have been hunting, killing & eating animals for about a hundred thousand years, & I have no need or intentions of going against the training of my forefathers"

a phrase my mate once found somewhere "Cows, made out of food"
Maybe sometime in the future it wont be feasible to feed an overcrowded planet without artificial food products, but until then Im going to keep eating animals. If the Veges (human form) don't like it then they better stay out of the way of my knife n fork or I may even turn cannibal (just kidding) :skull:

NB, some peoples in this world have forgotten that white man too was once a formidable hunter with wood & stone tools. I learnt these skills at a young age & can easily make spears, bow & arrows, stone knives, etc & hunt my food if the world collapses. I have taught my son many of these skills too. Who knows, one day we just may need them.
picture compliments of Mr Google