Would you crush and pan it?

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Sep 10, 2018
Reaction score
Hi all.
Everyone knows about 'sedimentary rocks', but has anyone seen one quite like this? I think it's fascinating and every layer sparkles in the sun, which didn't show in the photo unfortunately, because it's really pretty when it sparkles too. Found just north of Bendigo, and after the reading I did, (mentioned in the "Interesting Reading" thread), I have to wonder...

Would you crush it and pan it, or keep it as an interesting specimen? It's almost as big as my hand.

MegsyB007 said:
Hi all.
Everyone knows about 'sedimentary rocks', but has anyone seen one quite like this? I think it's fascinating and every layer sparkles in the sun, which didn't show in the photo unfortunately, because it's really pretty when it sparkles too. Found just north of Bendigo, and after the reading I did, (mentioned in the "Interesting Reading" thread), I have to wonder...

Would you crush it and pan it, or keep it as an interesting specimen? It's almost as big as my hand.

https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/13534/1541219552_rock3.jpg https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/13534/1541219809_rock1.jpg
Nope - don't crush it - gold is highly improbable and it looks much better complete. The colour banding is different concentration layers of iron oxides. The "sparkles" will be tiny crystals of white mica (they will be flat sheets under a hand lens).

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