Hopefully this is the last update for this build, don't want to bore people but if anyone is planning on building something similar I think its better to know as much as possible.
I've added an additional 2mm expanded steel screen inside the hopper which is elevated by 2 inches allowing lighter material to be stubbed a little better, onto of that the original screen mesh 5mm roughly it was a bit soft and bent under the load of the rocks i was throwing at it, and on top of that the 10mm expanded steel. (hope it isn't too big for the riffles)
I've adjusted the legs for a little more angle on the hopper by drilling an additional hole, easily changed back, I built a new mount for the counterbalance as ive added a wheel nut to it for extra weight forward and needed the clearance.
I picked up a 900 mm long by 76mm turbo tube $20 super cheap auto (would have got this in the first place accept they quoted me $46 on the phone 2 weeks back....) this fits really well straight onto the blower.
After researching the blower i bought I found out it is actually right up there in the top of the performers and in fact it put out more air pressure than any other blower i can find. It obviously wasn't up to scratch so i pulled it down, rewired it, cleaned and re-torqued the gaskets, removed/ replaced the fuel line which was old and shrunken also modified the fuel pickup because they are not designed to be used while sitting flat on the ground. the last thing was the air filter which was massively blocked.
all i can say is this thing pumps now what a difference, I was blowing quarts off my driveway the size of a 50c piece, the catch box now really shakes around like a madman and i cant wait to get out and really give her a good test. Of course its raining......